it feel like the dev fired up the D:OS2 game engine
loaded up the D:OS2 game
and then started working on modifying the game so it has some DnD rules in it
it really feel that way.
asset flipping to the max. its a shame really.
the world look and feel like the world of D;OS 2 and not like Faerun at all.
the game have a very long way to go to be a good DND game.
the patch 3 was a small step in the good direction.
but after playing patch 3 for 8 hours and already reach lvl 4 cap. I don't fell like playing anymore.
so I installed a exp cap remover, and now I am not even half way done with the "map" am already lvl 7 and the balances is total crap
I got a feeling that we gonna be lvl caped to 4 in act 1 even in the version 1.0, unless they completely redo the balance. for higher lvl that we don't even have access to for testing purposes officially
or they will put some kinda of wired CR scaling with boating HP dice etc etc.
larian, don't boost the HP of mobs............... just add more mobs..... or stronger one... ffs
oh and btw the game still need more sexy and revealing armors and outfits for the player to use. not strictly for npcs
Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 08/12/20 03:58 PM.