As we know there are two scenarios in which to fight and kill Minthara.
One is in the hideout, where she is hilariously weak. And the other one during the epic battle over the Grove.
Why do I call Minthara weak? Because her combat abilitys do not add up. She summons these two massive Spider summons during the Grove battle. ( A Lolth cleric thingy? ) And holy moly can these ugly critters pack a punch.
I find this very wierd that Minthara cannot use them also in the hideout. She is very much weaker there, due to the fact that there is no giant army nearby that fights on her side. It is already so easy to just snuff her out there and it feels kinda cheesy.
Can she please have these two last defense Monsters as her guards please? We can of course reason that she needs preperation for a summon like this. But do Drow truly trust "lesser beings" like Goblins?
Ragzlin has a rival relatonship with her about who is the more useful leader. Does she really not anticipate a coup? Pff. It feels strange for me in any case.