Joined: Dec 2020
Hey, I'm new to the game, I tried some things out, but I'm still unsure, what to play. So far I've made a Tiefling warlock (Great Old One of course as a Lovecraft fan), a Woodelf ranger (I guess pretty standard) and a Githyanki mage (something more out of the box). With which class/race combo did you have fun and why? I'm not looking for min/maxing only for the fun aspect.
Last edited by fylimar; 13/12/20 07:03 PM.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Nov 2020
My first run was with a gith mage simply because this was new to me (and mage because I knew there was a gith warrior in the game). I am currently playing a woodelf ranger (finesse / dual wielder / stealth / sleigh of hand, a strength based ranger is a super option too)... However I would recommend the warlock. Reason being that with a high charisma score this will likely be your natural candidate for all dialogues. There is a good amount of charisma-based proficiency checks in the game and it's nice to see your own character gaining access to some "options" even if, story-wise, the importance of passing those checks is, imo, over-estimated. My half-elf warlock (great old one) was my best experience despite the limited combat options for a warlock at that level.
Last edited by Blacas; 13/12/20 09:32 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
Drow race tag is interesting - try it in gobbos camp.
Joined: Oct 2020
I prefer to use the Wood Elf for most of my characters. It has the longest movement 10.5m/move, Darkvision, Elf Weapons, Perception & Stealth. All of which are useful for pretty much any and all classes.
As to the classes, I've played them all, but enjoy playing the Warlock, Ranger, and Rogue the most (in that order).
While a Wood Elf (Fiend) Warlock is playable, the Half Drow with the +2 Charisma allows you to start with Charisma at 16, and the Half Drow's 'Dancing Lights' cantrip allows your companions to see/attack better. If you play a Warlock, being a Fiend Warlock has the added benefit of being healed by 'The Dark One's Blessing' with most of your kills. I enjoy playing the Warlock the most because it's Eldritch Blast cantrip is awesome, and has unlimited uses. Combined with Repelling Blast at level 2, and the Fiend's self-heal, it's hard not to love.
If you play a Ranger, starting as a Bounty Hunter & Urban Tracker have helped me the most. The Ranger can be played as a Fighter/Cleric or as a Rogue/Cleric which gives tons of flexibility in gameplay.
The Rogue benefits the most from being a Wood Elf, and opens a lot of options for your skills & backgrounds. The Rogue has been my go to class since the TSR days of Pool of Radiance. I am hoping that BG3 will eventually add Guild Halls and secret quests that have always made it a fun class to play.
Good Luck, & Have Fun!
Last edited by warzog; 13/12/20 09:44 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
Thanks for alle the answers. I'm currently decidingt between a rogue or a warlock. The warlock would be a Tiefling, the rogue might be a Drow. I already have the wood elf ranger and I will play her too - I'm normally doing a lot of playthroughs, if I like a game. The Gith mage isn't off the table too. I know, that we have every class but ranger as companions, but I think, it is ok to have two of one sort. I never play fighter so that class is out for now.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
Il throw in my 2 cents for warlock as well. Eldritch Blast isn't just a spell, it's a way of life.
Joined: Nov 2020
Il throw in my 2 cents for warlock as well. Eldritch Blast isn't just a spell, it's a way of life. Yes. This is the way.
Joined: Oct 2020
Il throw in my 2 cents for warlock as well. Eldritch Blast isn't just a spell, it's a way of life. Yes. This is the way.So anyway, I started blasting. I've been having a lot of fun with a human STRanger. I take hordebreaker, then run around with longstrider and a great sword while cleaving through enemies like a lawnmower. Once GWM gives a bonus action attack, I'll be able to potentially have 3 greatsword attacks at level 4.
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm running a Female half-elf running as a dual-wielding Ranger/knight the reason for which I decided to go with this build was 1 the fact at dual wielding and all the great damage bonuses you get to seriously kick the crap out of your foes. Especially when you get properly buffed before a battle. Not to mention that the Ranger is one of the overall Pc's for which don't get played very often
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Race: Drow Class: Wizard Name: Jaluk Romance: Minthara Hotel: Trivago
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Dec 2020
Ok, I've settled for the Tiefling warlock, worshipper of the Great Old One (the lady in my avatar) - as a Lovecraft fan, it was hard to pass. The ranger will be second playthrough and the Gith mage third. I think, warlock is a nice class to play and I don't think, it will be a problem, when I want to have Wyll in the party, you can never have too much magic power.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
Being new to the turn-based style gaming of Baldur's Gate 3, I initially tried my usual rpg role of elven ranger. However I found myself struggling more than I expected and chose to move on to a high elf wizard and a half-elf warlock with mixed but somewhat better results overall.
Still wasn't too keen on my gaming experience in BG3, so I ran a lightfoot halfling rogue and that was where the game really earned my attention and affection, but he got wiped just after having achieved level 3 on Stadia after patch #3 made it's odious presence known.
I've spent my time post that patch, sampling a githyanki fighter (not bad) and am trying out another wood elf ranger at the moment, but at some point my halfling thief is going to make a return to the game ...... if only they would fix the parts of character creation that patch #3 fouled up?
Last edited by Capt.Wells; 15/12/20 06:40 PM.
“This year the utopian candy shell has melted away to expose a hard center of bizarre reality.”
Joined: Dec 2020
The Warlock's imp, properly played, is completely broken - it can clear most battles on its own. I don't play Warlock as a first class, but Wyll is always in my party for that reason.
Joined: Jul 2020
The Warlock's imp, properly played, is completely broken - it can clear most battles on its own. I don't play Warlock as a first class, but Wyll is always in my party for that reason. Do tell, seems near useless as summoned but I am always ready to be educated.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm weird, in that I tend to play the same character in every game (Elder Scrolls, PoE, Pathfinder Kingmaker, BGIII, etc.)
A female (wood) elf rogue.
Admittedly, in BGIII, it renders Astorion redundant, but I don't much care for Mr stabby anyway (and I say this as someone who loves Sebille in DoS II)
I really enjoy said character, as she tends to fit my playstyle (a sneaky, stabby dagger and bow wielding badass who relies more on skill and cleverness than strength)
Lover of non-haughty elves and non-smutty lesbian romance "1404. I will not spoil the adventure's mandatory ambush by using the cheesy tactic of a "scout"." - From "Things Mr. Welch is no longer allowed to do in a (tabletop) RPG"
Joined: Dec 2020
I totlally forgot rogue - have to play that class too - maybe a halfling? I love to play rogues and I really like the arcane trickster subclass, so that is a given.
All of my party members are now with magical talents: I gave Lae and Astarion the magic orientated subclasses, so they can sling spells too. Don't know, if those are the best subclasses, but it is more about fun for me than anything. And I know, that in pen & paper the arcane trickster is really great.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Nov 2020
I totlally forgot rogue - have to play that class too - maybe a halfling? I love to play rogues and I really like the arcane trickster subclass, so that is a given.
All of my party members are now with magical talents: I gave Lae and Astarion the magic orientated subclasses, so they can sling spells too. Don't know, if those are the best subclasses, but it is more about fun for me than anything. And I know, that in pen & paper the arcane trickster is really great. Next run, perhaps. Imo, Rogue is in a weird spot in Larian's interpretation of DnD 5e. You may like it but I wouldn't be surprised if they change it a bit in the future.
Joined: Nov 2020
I totlally forgot rogue - have to play that class too - maybe a halfling? I love to play rogues and I really like the arcane trickster subclass, so that is a given.
All of my party members are now with magical talents: I gave Lae and Astarion the magic orientated subclasses, so they can sling spells too. Don't know, if those are the best subclasses, but it is more about fun for me than anything. And I know, that in pen & paper the arcane trickster is really great. I figured that there were enough magic-oriented characters in the game hence my reason for running a Female Ranger/knight dual-wielding with heavy armor and weapons. She's already a tank and she's only 3rd level.
Joined: Oct 2020
The Warlock's imp, properly played, is completely broken - it can clear most battles on its own. I don't play Warlock as a first class, but Wyll is always in my party for that reason. Do tell, seems near useless as summoned but I am always ready to be educated. I'm not sure I'd agree with using the word "broken" but I do agree the imp is very strong. It's a scout and sneak attack monster with invisibility+hide. Fly gives it amazing maneuverability to zip around the battlefield. In this way it can run interference like a boss. It hits with it's attack alot more often than you might think it would and often poisons the enemy. And it can be surprisingly hard to hit itself for all but the strongest enemies. The minotaurs might wipe it one round, and maybe one or two other underdark creatures. But mostly, it really has alot of uses.
Joined: Dec 2020
@BraveSirRobin Massive exploit spoiler... 1. Stand way back from the battle area, like halfway across the area map. Have the imp go invisible. 2. Fly the imp into the battle area. Pick your target. I do 'healers, then wizards, then small fry, then the rest', but other than 'healers first', it really doesn't matter. 3. Sting. This generates a surprise round. Use it to sting again. Note that since your other characters are so far away, they are not drawn into battle. 4. Use Fly/Disengage and the rest of your movement to get to an area out of line-of-sight. Make sure to get far away, outside of the normal movement range of enemies. Crouch (hide). If you are outside of their normal movement range, they will do nothing. If you are inside that range, some will try to get to your position. 5. Next round, move up to an enemy and go invisible. Do not engage - this round is positioning. Enemies do nothing to invisible enemies, even if you are actually in hand-to-hand range. Take an extra round to position yourself next to an enemy if necessary (remember to Fly before invisibility because Fly removes it). 6. Sting. 7. Repeat 4 through 6 until everyone dies.
You can clear most fights that way. On my last run, I cleared the entire Blighted Village of goblins using one imp (I recruit the ogres and ignore the lovers).