Sorry if this has been already discussed a lot.
Summoning is by far my favorite kind of magic in any fantasy game. The ability to bring forth powerful creatures to aid and fight for you is something I just can not resist, and while the later summoning options are not present yet in EA I do think the current options could be improved so I wanted to list ideas to help make Conjuration/Summoning feel better:
- Mage Hand and Find Familiar: I have noticed while playing that if I cast one, the other is cancelled out. While it could be a little on the powerful side to have more than one creature on the player's end, I think it would also feel better and reflect the strength/adaptability of summons. For example, if I want to use Mage Hand on my Arcane Trickster but I have a raven summoned, it feels like I am wasting the raven by using the mage hand. I would thus change it that Mage Hand and Familiars would not take up the same "slot" but instead would have their own slot. This would also extend to later for if other summoning magicks are added, so the slots could be Familiar, Hand, and Summon. Alternatively, Mage Hand and Combat Summons could occupy the same slot while familiars could be their own.
- Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand: Even if it reflects 5e I have felt like the Arcane's Trickster's Mage Hand should do more in the context of Baldur's Gate 3. While using it, I have had thoughts that it could be a lot better if it could pickpocket, take grenades out of my inventory to throw, or interact with other things like throw the sylvanus statue. I realize this could be a sizeable buff but it would also make it more distinct from the normal mage hand beyond being invisible.
- Shovel: I think Shovel should actually be made more permanent. Either being a new familiar that the reader of the scroll can summon once a day, or something more along the lines of a bound companion. I realize Quasits are very evil and do not like being controlled but that could be part of the character and the risks of commanding a demon, and he could continue to be a unique perspective on the world as well as a unique reward for exploration.
- Bitter Divorce: I think as it is this Wand is a little too strong, but I absolutely love being able to walk around with a zombie army that I summon. I would suggest some way to balance it while allowing us to still have multiple zombies, maybe the first (Connor) in combat being free but the rest (Generic Zombie) requiring a human corpse. And so it does not step on the toes of necromancy if it gets substantially added, the zombies could be scaled back a little in power. Alternatively, Connor could be made more permanent so that he does not fade out and limit it that you can only use it while he is not summoned, making it that multiple zombies is for Necromancers.
- Pact of the Chain: From what I have noticed, a few of the normal options for pact of the chain are missing, like the Pseudodragon. Adding these would make it feel more complete and would give warlocks even more options as prospective summoners.
- Find Familiar: Similarly, if Larian adds more very low level beasts I think Find Familiar should expand to include those, more options for players feels satisfying as long as they don't break anything, and it could allow for more distinctive roleplaying for some players to allow them to have more concepts complete, like an illusionist mage with a bunny familiar.
Err, I'd like to hear other people's ideas. Like if they think that everything is fine as it is, or if they have other suggestions for improving Conjuration/Summoning?