And that is the enemys turn and when they cannot do anything, the camera gets stuck on them for like 3 seconds, while some subtitle is highlighted about their head.
" Oh you so gonna regret this. "
" Yo momma! "
" °rattle° "And it is infinitely annoying me.
I just revealed in another topic that I made a challenge for myself in which I made it to the Grove with only one character.
And I defeated all the Undeads in the Crypt for it naturally.
So I retreated a few times in order to do it.
But not a normal retreat. Before the battle even started I pushed several of the Undead Mages to the room further away,
( which is like right in between the sarcophag room full of traps for opening the sarcophag )
and the big room with the Jergal stature notice and in which you can awake the Undeads in the first place.
Which means the AI had actually problems to lead these idiotic Undead back to me.So the camera focussed in on like 4 guys in a distance of like 100 meters to my character...
... on each and every single one of them...
... for like 3 horrible, hellish seconds... (
"# firstworld problems" I know )
... and I had to suffer this agonizingly long time...
... before I could continue my next turn.
I really don't need this. Really. Maybe someone wants to actually read this -> how "°rattle°" is highlighted above a skeleton. I don't know.
Maybe someone actually wants and needs this. But it is not me.

I want to deactivate this feature. I really don't need it.