Joined: Oct 2020
No Dwarven companion No gruff voice set No throwing axes or hammers No classic hooded cloaks Only 2 beards that pass (and the longer one clips into the armor) Dwarven Tavs are clearly getting the shorty end of the stick here Its quite noticeable What would you like to see from the Dwarves? This would be one I'd like to see sussed out in an epic BG style campaign... From the 2nd Ed Book of Artifacts "the Orbs of Dragonkind" Now the dwarves, of course, know that the elves and the humans have it all wrong. This is their story:
In that time, the dwarves were the greatest of all crafters, even greater at the forge and the crucible than they are today, for many secrets have long since been lost. All other races knew of their skill, but only the dragons respected their craftsmanship. The humans were too foolish to know the power of iron and stone; the elves were too petty and vain, but the dragons, who dwelt in mountain homes, understood the might of rock and the magic it could bring. Thus it was that an embassy of 12 dragons sought out the Great Council of the Dwarves.
"O grand and wise shapers of metal," the oldest of the dragons spoke, "our people are scattered over the globe. We cannot call our councils or share news of birth and woe. We come to you for an answer, for there are not greater artisans to be found on the earth or beneath it. Will you make us a solution?"
"What will you pay us?" demanded the High Clan King of the council.
"All the treasures from beneath the earth that lie in our hoards we will give to you," answered the eldest of the dragons.
And the dwarves knew they could make the thing that the dragons wanted and the price was good, so they set their greatest craftsmen to fashion a set of 12 crystalline Orbs for the dragon-kin. After 12 summers and 12 winters, the Orbs, 12 in number, were finished, and once more the dragons appeared before the Great Council.
"Here are the treasures you asked for," said the High Clan King. "Give us our payment as you promised."
The dragons smiled and were pleased with the work. Taking the Orbs, they said, "Give us a fortnight to prepare a feast. When the time is passed, send your strongest, bravest, and cleverest to our caverns and we will feast them and honor them with our riches."
At that time, dwarves still trusted dragons, who were the rulers over all, and so the High Clan King agreed. In a fortnight, he led the finest of his people to the halls of the dragons. There they found the 12 ambassadors of the scaled race waiting. Looking about, the dwarves saw no tables, no benches, no feast-foods, nor ale. The dragons crouched greedily upon their treasures, the dwarven Orbs clutched between their claws.
"Where is our payment?" demanded the High Clan King.
"Here," the eldest dragon said. At that word, his people set upon the dwarves who, in trust, came with weapons sheathed. All were slain until only the High Clan King remained, wounded and dying. With his fading breath, he called out,
"Hear your doom, treacherous beasts! The treasures you have stolen will have my revenge."
With that he spoke the words of power and the secret magicks the dwarves built into the Orbs, for dwarves are ever a cautious lot.
"From this day forward, your scaled hides are cursed! Your children will be less than you and all beings will hunt you and call you dangerous. Greed and hatred of your own kind will fill your hearts, all until the price you promised is paid!"
At that curse, the magic of the Orbs seized all things noble from within the 12 ambassadors and pulled these into the crystal prisons. The body of each beast changed colors and they feared each other. Screeching in rage the now savage dragons fled throughout the world. So dragons have remained ever since, crouched on their hoards, keeping these treasures from their true owners—the dwarves. Just to lay the hammer down at the outset hehe. I hope we get some more Dwarven content to toss around in the next patch
Last edited by Black_Elk; 04/01/21 08:08 AM.
Joined: Sep 2020
Larian should team up with Disney, and give us pix of the seven dwarves to use as characters.
Joined: Dec 2020
Yeah we need a Dwarven paladin or skald companion. A guy. No femme dorfs, thank you.
Joined: Oct 2020
I just want a classic Dwarven view on whatever the hell has been happening in the realms these past 100 years.
A companion who could size the PC up while imparting some information in the process.
Honestly having a Goblin camp and all these caves and even the Underdark in the EA, with no Dwarves around to provide a running commentary on it is just sort of depressing. As a fixture in the genre they should at least be getting the love that the Gith and Tieflings have received.
I'd prefer an archetypal Dwarven brawler, and it would be nice if they had some unique stuff to say if the custom character also happens to be a Dwarf.
If anything I'd like them to go more oldschool with this one than newschool. We don't need a "fresh take" for Dwarves, but a touchstone. Keep it classic.
Or if they really want to step away from Tolkein's Khazad/Naugrim vibe just a bit, then maybe go more Alberich style? The og trickster Dwarf with a Tarnkappe angle, driven by greed, always solid for a rogue or fighter with a thieving bent. But not too far off the beaten anvil for this one.
A Fighter or STR Cleric option, a Warpriest type or Paladin would work. A Fighter Rogue or Skald with some stonelore and a lust for gold and gems could also work well. But they should definitely hold their own in a brawl. No squishy Dwarves please.
Joined: Jun 2019
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers.
Last edited by deserk; 04/01/21 11:36 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers. Who is whiny? and who is a backstabber? the only two characters who fit the role of bitchy, or whiny are Shadowheart and Lae. I'd call Lae more straight forward, blunt, conservative and Shadowheart more "guarded" than whiny though. Shadow does more guarding and deflecting, than whining imo. Wyll & Gale are both classically good bro characters, I don't see them ever being whiny.
Last edited by Vallis; 05/01/21 03:30 AM.
Joined: Nov 2020
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers. Who is whiny? and who is a backstabber? the only two characters who fit the role of bitchy, or whiny are Shadowheart and Lae. I'd call Lae more straight forward, blunt, conservative and Shadowheart more "guarded" than whiny though. Shadow does more guarding and deflecting, than whining imo. Wyll & Gale are both classically good bro characters, I don't see them ever being whiny. IMO though Gale thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and Astarion has to much sugar in his tank to suit me.
Joined: Sep 2016
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers. Who is whiny? and who is a backstabber? the only two characters who fit the role of bitchy, or whiny are Shadowheart and Lae. I'd call Lae more straight forward, blunt, conservative and Shadowheart more "guarded" than whiny though. Shadow does more guarding and deflecting, than whining imo. Wyll & Gale are both classically good bro characters, I don't see them ever being whiny. IMO though Gale thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and Astarion has to much sugar in his tank to suit me. Gale IS all that and a bag of chips!
Joined: Oct 2020
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers. Who is whiny? and who is a backstabber? the only two characters who fit the role of bitchy, or whiny are Shadowheart and Lae. I'd call Lae more straight forward, blunt, conservative and Shadowheart more "guarded" than whiny though. Shadow does more guarding and deflecting, than whining imo. Wyll & Gale are both classically good bro characters, I don't see them ever being whiny. IMO though Gale thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and Astarion has to much sugar in his tank to suit me. I'm now imagining all the companions on a sugar high and it is hilarious. I know what you were going for, but between not dealing with Astorion much (due to being imo inferior to a rogue elf tav) and having a sugary snack in my hand, that's what my mind jumped to. I do agree that Gale sees a bit full of himself, though
Lover of non-haughty elves and non-smutty lesbian romance "1404. I will not spoil the adventure's mandatory ambush by using the cheesy tactic of a "scout"." - From "Things Mr. Welch is no longer allowed to do in a (tabletop) RPG"
Joined: Nov 2020
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers. Who is whiny? and who is a backstabber? the only two characters who fit the role of bitchy, or whiny are Shadowheart and Lae. I'd call Lae more straight forward, blunt, conservative and Shadowheart more "guarded" than whiny though. Shadow does more guarding and deflecting, than whining imo. Wyll & Gale are both classically good bro characters, I don't see them ever being whiny. IMO though Gale thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and Astarion has to much sugar in his tank to suit me. Gale IS all that and a bag of chips! That is why he sits back at camp because he has a tendency to die all the time. Heck even SH didn't die as much as he does before I got her AC to 19
Joined: Nov 2020
No fantasy RPG is truly complete without a gruff, amusing, down-to-earth dwarven companion. I would definitely love to have more "uplifting" characters that are there to help your guy, that makes you in turn want to help them, as opposed to being forced to keep company with a bunch of whiny backstabbers. Who is whiny? and who is a backstabber? the only two characters who fit the role of bitchy, or whiny are Shadowheart and Lae. I'd call Lae more straight forward, blunt, conservative and Shadowheart more "guarded" than whiny though. Shadow does more guarding and deflecting, than whining imo. Wyll & Gale are both classically good bro characters, I don't see them ever being whiny. IMO though Gale thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and Astarion has to much sugar in his tank to suit me. I'm now imagining all the companions on a sugar high and it is hilarious. I know what you were going for, but between not dealing with Astorion much (due to being imo inferior to a rogue elf tav) and having a sugary snack in my hand, that's what my mind jumped to. I do agree that Gale sees a bit full of himself, though Now you had me LMAO when mentioned the sugar high.
Joined: Mar 2013
agreed, there realy is a lack of the classic dwarf archetype
and simmilar there is a lack of grown up masculine man types, which the usual dwarf trope falls under. i cant help but notice that a lot of the male characters fal under the "witty 20 something" trope
Last edited by Sordak; 05/01/21 08:51 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Again distinct lack of dwarves, as the thread drifts almost immediately to humans and elves. Nice set up from beyond Dwarves can live to be more than 400 years old, so the oldest living dwarves often remember a very different world. For example, some of the oldest dwarves living in Citadel Felbarr (in the world of the Forgotten Realms) can recall the day, more than three centuries ago, when orcs conquered the fortress and drove them into an exile that lasted over 250 years. This longevity grants them a perspective on the world that shorter-lived races such as humans and halflings lack.
Dwarves are solid and enduring like the mountains they love, weathering the passage of centuries with stoic endurance and little change. They respect the traditions of their clans, tracing their ancestry back to the founding of their most ancient strongholds in the youth of the world, and don’t abandon those traditions lightly. Part of those traditions is devotion to the gods of the dwarves, who uphold the dwarven ideals of industrious labor, skill in battle, and devotion to the forge.
Individual dwarves are determined and loyal, true to their word and decisive in action, sometimes to the point of stubbornness. Many dwarves have a strong sense of justice, and they are slow to forget wrongs they have suffered. A wrong done to one dwarf is a wrong done to the dwarf’s entire clan, so what begins as one dwarf’s hunt for vengeance can become a full-blown clan feud. Plenty of inroads I'd think. I'd like to see a Dwarves take on the current crew. I prefer something that could tilt good or evil path, but that's more law driven. A curmudgeonly cravenly greedy Dwarf is more my taste, but I'd settle for whatever. As there's like nothing right now on offer. I'm assuming we see more than a single Shorty, but I hope we at least get a Dwarf, and of the sub-archetypal classes remaining to be seen in EA Paladin, Barbarian, Bard, Druid... I think a Paladin/Warpriest type is the best fit for a Dwarf. Or at least one that tries to go more Gimli-style, classic tank. I could see a Skald if doing more the Alberich call back, with magical strength, trickster angle. Either would be fun. ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/h7Cbh1C/GAZ6-TSR9227-The-Dwarves-Of-Rockhome.jpg) I wish they'd tease more of their plans for companions. 8 seems not enough to me, they least need a dirty dozen. In which case maybe one could hope for more than a single dwarf, but I'd take just one at least
Last edited by Black_Elk; 05/01/21 09:43 AM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I just don't see a dwarf druid as dwarfy. Dwarves are all about industry. Maybe there could be a tribe of pagan dwarves who worship Grumbar, or some god of Mountains and gems, but even they would be miners probably. A barbarian likewise isn't going to work for a dwarf, because dwarves have an inherent bent towards being lawful and their rage is always directed by what they perceive to be just and right. Frankly the only race that I could see being a barbarian is human OR the beastraces. If we get a dwarf I would fully expect him to be a fighter, paladin, meelee bard, monk or a cleric. A rogue could also work, but I doubt we get one more of those. Arcane magic is just something I don't see dwarves delving into for it's own sake, however for some reason I have this idea of a dwarven rune-priest in my head who is like a cleric/wizard multiclass, but I don't think you can make that work in BG3.
Joined: Oct 2020
I find the absence of a dwarf companion to be somewhat of a sin committed by Larian.
“This year the utopian candy shell has melted away to expose a hard center of bizarre reality.”
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Isn't one of the dwarf sub races, one of the best stat races in the game currently?
Joined: Dec 2020
Isn't one of the dwarf sub races, one of the best stat races in the game currently? I think the biggest advantage to being a shield dwarf is a free medium armor proficiency. That could be pretty strong on casters, because from what I understand if you have proficiency with an armor you can cast spells in it without problems. A dwarven dragon sorcerer in medium armor could be quite a fun build...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Medium armor is nice, no it would be more like:
two +2 attributes (str & con) no other race has, basic darkvision (cause darkvision is thrown around like candy now), 4 weapon pro. 2 armor pro and poison resist. with a negative on land speed of 7.5. If you want to go with the other dwarf subrace you would get +1 hp every level and reduce a attribute from two +2s to one +2 and a +1 (con&wis).
Lets compare that to strong heart halfling since both have poison resist along with reduced speed.
Shield: +2 Strength +2 Constitution, Speed 7.5, Darkvision 12m, advantage on poison & resist 1/2 poison damage, 4 weapon proficiencies and 2 armor proficiencies.
Heart: +2 Dexterity +1 Constitution, Speed 7.5, Normal vision, advantage on poison & resist 1/2 poison damage, & luck: reroll 1s.
They don't need more of anything, all other races should get more customization and dwarves should get stiffed.
Last edited by fallenj; 05/01/21 04:50 PM.
Joined: Mar 2013
Joined: Oct 2020
The fact the two male Tav voices sound exactly alike is probably my single biggest gripe with this game. If we were only getting two voices why use two that are so similar? The one we have now and a deeper voice would add more range and fit more character builds.
Dwarves also absolutely need beard options that don't clip into their chests. This is ridiculous. I want to be a great bearded dwarf with hair down to his toes, dangit.
Last edited by SaurianDruid; 05/01/21 10:39 PM.