I started Divinity: Original Sin 2 about three weeks ago. It's my first entry in the series, and thus far I'm enjoying it though the amount of quests that presented themselves in Act I one right after another were a bit overwhelming for me since I usually try to do all quests, and do them one at a time. I had yet to get off of the Fort Joy island before I decided to just begin the game over again with a fresh start now that I have a better feel for the game.

Thus I've been thinking on what kind of team composition I'd like for this time around. The first time I was using a custom character with Sebille, Lohse, and Fane as companions for most of it, though I sometimes switched out Fane for the Red Prince, Ifan, and Beast to see what the start of their storylines were like.

Well, it's not really a big deal, but I think the only thing that I so far don't like about the game is that I wish of the six origin characters, three had been female rather than just two. This is purely a subjective preference, but I like having all female companions, especially since a player can romance their companions in this game. It just seems like with six origin characters - who can all be potential love interests - and the ability to play a custom character as ones avatar, having three male and three female origin characters would have made a good even balance, giving players a choice of having all-male companions, all-female companions, or a mix of the two.

My ideal group would be to play as a custom lizard, with a female human, elf, and dwarf as companions. I really like Lohse and Sebille, but for my third companion it's been difficult to choose because thus far I don't particularly like Ifan, Beast, the Red Prince, or Fane. Out of the four, only Fane's storyline has been interesting to me, but I like the storyline more than the character. That is, I'd love to be able to pursue the plotline of what happened to the Eternals without actually having Fane with me.

I know one will have the option of hiring mercenary companions later, but it's a bit of a bummer that said mercenaries can't be hired right from the beginning, and from what I'm told don't have any special tags, don't talk, and can't be romantic love interests. I'm fine with the mercenaries not having any impact on or relevance to the main plot or anything like that. But it would be nice if they at least had their own voice dialogue and personalities and such like the ordinary NPCs that you come across in the world. Even random rats have voices, personalities, and amusing dialogue, so it would be nice if the mercenaries could at least get that much.

So, to reiterate I really enjoy the game, my only pet peeve is that one can't have three female origin characters as companions, nor does one have the option to hire mercenaries while still in Fort Joy, and finally that those mercenaries aren't more fully-fleshed out NPCs from what I'm told.