OH my ...
I sugested replay last round
when your party die, so you can do something differently and hope for better outcome,
instead of loading whole game ...
You know like create some difficiult terain, instead of damage ... or try to use some CC, instead of damage ... or protect your ranged characters by dakness or fog, instead of damage ... maybe use some potion or scroll you were saving ...
And you started talking about rewinding time, some even every turn.

People please READ ... dont create Prince of Persia out of this ...
Its just when I have a fight I lose, then it was doomed from the start via bad positioning.
I dont believe that ... unless you die in first round.
There is many possible decision otherwise, some more tactical, some less ... if you decide to sleep one enemy, hold person other enemy, and focus on third enemy ... that round will have entirely different outcome, than when you simply attack them all with simple attack.
As an aside.... you get an autosave blip when you approach the patrol... so it seems odd that Rag's last loadable file before the fight was an hour before.
Well i just didnt (double checked again right now), when that become crime feel free to report me to autorities. -_-
But this topic is not about missing autosaves, so please lets focus on actual subject.