It /feels/ bugged to me, but maybe it's also because its unfinished - leading to an area not implemented.
Her conversations with her there sometimes bug out slightly depending on if you interact with a loot item or have her interact with it first. And when Lae'zel
actually succeeds her deception roll for once,
the quest just ends. Barely any additional dialogue with her afterward.
I also had her at medium approval before going into the Gith Patrol, and after resolving it, there was no scene afterward at camp. My first run, I had her at neutral still and there was a scene after the Gith Patrol that became my favorite scene from the character. I can't tell if this is a bug or just intended, but I feel she should still have this scene regardless of her approval of the PC.
So again, it /feels/ bugged and I wouldn't be surprised if her not being there bugs it out more. I wouldn't be surprised if you tried using the loot item at camp and it did nothing as well.