Joined: Feb 2021
Reminds me of the time Neera fucking killed herself by accidentally hailing a cow from the sky.
Joined: Nov 2020
Last edited by Verte; 11/02/21 11:10 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Going to guess the update will introduce companion options in cinematics. They talked about this a while back as something they were working on I'm pretty sure. I hope so!  But Tieflings and spells...donno. For spells maybe noncombat spells will be added to dialogue options. 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Going to guess the update will introduce companion options in cinematics. They talked about this a while back as something they were working on I'm pretty sure. I hope so!  But Tieflings and spells...donno. For spells maybe noncombat spells will be added to dialogue options.  Oh good one, forgot about spell bonuses related to convos.
Joined: Mar 2020
Finally! It's so much difficult to just say hello to your supporters ? 🙄
Joined: Dec 2020
I know this is less important than other things you might have been working on for the past few months, but please can we have more hairstyles available for female Tieflings? Also, some of the male half-elf faces would be wonderful if they were made available for other races, as well. (Especially male half-elf head #5, which is a really attractive face, but is not available for tieflings, humans, high elves, wood elves or drow. It is currently only available for half-elves.) Thanks so much.
Can't wait to see what you've added and improved.
Last edited by VioletGrey; 12/02/21 09:35 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
As long as they tell us something is all that matters it could be a road map would be even more nice than new content dont get me wrong I want new content but lack of communincation between patches has been the worst part.
Joined: Jun 2020
While it's good to hear news, I'm not going to jump onto the happily exultant band-wagon.
It's good to see news; It's LONG overdue. This patch NEEDS to bring a LOT to the table, needs to DO a lot, and needs to do it WELL, if they hope to restore even a portion of tester's confidence in their competency, and their capability of running a useful EA.
It's good to see news; how much they bring, and what they bring, will tell us how much of a start they can make on crawling out of the hole they've sunk into.
Joined: Sep 2020
Looking forward to the long anticipated Cow race, along with the Farm Animal class and hopefully completely revised Moobility functions An udder thing I'm hoping for is teat-ally new spells and quests. Glad to see Larian has not totally a-barn-doned us. I better stop before I milk this news too much.
Joined: Oct 2020
While it's good to hear news, I'm not going to jump onto the happily exultant band-wagon.
It's good to see news; It's LONG overdue. This patch NEEDS to bring a LOT to the table, needs to DO a lot, and needs to do it WELL, if they hope to restore even a portion of tester's confidence in their competency, and their capability of running a useful EA.
It's good to see news; how much they bring, and what they bring, will tell us how much of a start they can make on crawling out of the hole they've sunk into. Completely unrelated: thank you for being one of the few people of culture online who still knows how to spell "a lot". I can't tell you how many times I've seen "alot" and "allot" on some forums. It's disgusting ( I teach English part time, so it drives me nuts). All this to say that your post made me a happy camper today. Thank you, Niara!
Joined: Jun 2020
I appreciate that, thank you. I'm an author, and most of my days are spent writing in some fashion; I consider language and proper language use to be very important. I'm glad to see that it's appreciated by some ^.^
(Unfortunately, my propensity for typos undermines this all too often. I try to double check myself, but I'm always going back to fix one more typo that I've noticed slipped through...)
Last edited by Niara; 12/02/21 03:12 AM.
Joined: Jan 2021
While it's good to hear news, I'm not going to jump onto the happily exultant band-wagon.
It's good to see news; It's LONG overdue. This patch NEEDS to bring a LOT to the table, needs to DO a lot, and needs to do it WELL, if they hope to restore even a portion of tester's confidence in their competency, and their capability of running a useful EA.
It's good to see news; how much they bring, and what they bring, will tell us how much of a start they can make on crawling out of the hole they've sunk into. Very much this.
Joined: Oct 2020
While it's good to hear news, I'm not going to jump onto the happily exultant band-wagon.
It's good to see news; It's LONG overdue. This patch NEEDS to bring a LOT to the table, needs to DO a lot, and needs to do it WELL, if they hope to restore even a portion of tester's confidence in their competency, and their capability of running a useful EA.
It's good to see news; how much they bring, and what they bring, will tell us how much of a start they can make on crawling out of the hole they've sunk into. Personally I agree with this. The most important thing right now is seeing the classes added for the remaining missing classes additional races would be nice and some more story content. If nothing else an official road map would be the big thing currently lack of communication has been the biggest problem this entire time. Classes are a big missing factor however seeing all the base classes were expected early balance testing would put that personally at the top of my list and better work on animal companions. Races ect while nice for customization will be nice following release are not as big of a deal currently to see added to the game. While they do impact early play race is less impactful on content balance overall and it limits players who want a specific class like druid, barbarian or paladin from playing the game as each class attracts different players as well. Hopefully it will be a big panel. I do not expect a big panel however as so far every addition to the game has been small and a bit disappointing. On a personal note I'm really hoping to see paladin druid and barbarian come to the game however again my expectations are very low based on the initial patches. So I have yet to have any of my check boxes ticked personally with expanding from base content half of me is expecting to hear we fleshed out some story paths and fixed more bugs further news at a later time and basically just trash my expectations all together. Where maybe some cut scenes are touched up and we get another push back on content no actual content added and it just ends up being another sad patch meeting no expectations where we do not even get so much as a road map. But then they have some pretty big feet to fill a large number of their competitors are releasing big content patch announcements the same week so maybe they are finally going to step up to the plate if not they are just going to get left in the dust. Necromunda second dlc same week and have fixed all there in game bugs, you have solasta which has been non stop bolstering content, Pathfinder which litterly has players voting for the new content to come out the day after the panel. So overall it kind of has to be impressive if they do not want to see a lot of people jump ship to other options.
Joined: Jun 2020
Great news - 130 hours in & looking forward to the upcoming patch & information - the game is in great shape & its still early days of EA (something that a few posters seemed to have missed the point on) - will watch the panel from hell 2 with interest.
Joined: Feb 2021
Hey Larian! I am not usually one to post in forums, but I just wanted to say thank you.
BG3 is one of the best games I've played in my life time, and it's just early access. I'm seeing a lot of rude comments and impatient people, I just hope you know not to take it to heart because I know deep down they just love the game and are excited to play more of it.
Gamedev is a lot of hard work. We appreciate what you do. Thank you so much.
-Sincerely, Just another Astarion simp
Joined: Jan 2021
Astarion will never be out of my party, he’s just the best.
Last edited by azuremanure; 12/02/21 08:49 AM.
Joined: Jun 2014
Can't wait to see whether you have taken into account more core combat mechanics such as the reactions, legendary actions and Legendary resistances.
Joined: Jan 2021
it's the cat's screeching that gets me haa
Joined: Oct 2020
I appreciate that, thank you. I'm an author, and most of my days are spent writing in some fashion; I consider language and proper language use to be very important. I'm glad to see that it's appreciated by some ^.^
(Unfortunately, my propensity for typos undermines this all too often. I try to double check myself, but I'm always going back to fix one more typo that I've noticed slipped through...) LOL! That was funny. Right on, Niara!
Last edited by MarcoNeves; 12/02/21 11:39 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
After 3 months, I'd hope so. Now to see if the revealed live date from the Panel From Hell will be delayed with more excuses and radio silence. Boy, is someone ever cranky. You expected constant updates and community response during the biggest holiday vacation time of the year, in the midst of a global pandemic, while their office flooded? Entitlement at its finest!