So, I started Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen on my PS4, after some shopping I exit a place and enter an outdoor one. I was messing with the controls and a bit distracted by Netflix on my computer (I've serious problems concentrating so I do multiple things at once), that's when I saw the "overcumbered" tag upon my character.
The obvious reaction was to open the inventory and start giving stuff to my two pawns I got rid of allmost all the items and still the flag was there. To understand where the problem was I quitted the inventory and immediatly realized why my mage was overcumbered: in my erratic use of the controls by mistake I had grabbed my pawn and put him on my shoulder.
It was hilarious.
So I want a similar chance in Baldur's Gate 3. Lae'zel starts menacing? Astarion doesn't stop with his caustic comments? Willy gets annoying with his boasting? You grab them like a bag of potatoes