There should be a “are you sure you wish to attack x” when initiating combat to keep from accidentally doing it and having to revert to whatever the last save was
Makes no sense - If they are already hostile fighting is the default action - If they are not already hostile you have click an extra button to attack them.
Sorry but if you accidentally click on an enemy thats your problem. There are not so many that it would be hard to click on a place without enemies.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist
World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
I find that some of the UI buttons are so small (especially around the quick bar and combat log area) that it's very easy to miss what I'm aiming for and click on the ground or a character instead. Not sure if the OP is having a similar issue, but it might be that some UI fixes will resolve their problem as well.
It would be better to unbind left click from any action other than UI control. Amount of times I sent my characters running instead of clicking an icon is unbearable.