Now thats the spirit ... i see some people here are not affraid to dream big.

I would like to see either Paladin or Barbarian ...
I believe they are logical "next step" since in tollhouse there is at least one paladin that is actualy not paladin yet. :P
But honestly much more than about those classes im curious about Larian introducting show ... it was great with Cow (i mean Druid), but i cant help the feeling they weaved their own whip a little.
Etiher way, Barbarian show shoul be funny as Pannel from Hells

Of course races, classes, visual options, dialogue options etc ... all and any of the stuff abowe will certainly please my nerd soul.
There is one thing that have top priority on my wishlist for Patch 5, and its maybe the most unrealistic wish on this topic ...
i would like to have tiny insight in Larian futher plans with EA ...
I know its not exactly "patch 5" content, so maybe im a little offtopic ... but the patch note and introduction show are part of patch 5, so either way:
- I would like to know if they are planning to add all classes, races and sub-races in EA ...
- I would like to know if they are planning to add another parts (aka zones) of Act 1 in EA ...
- I would like to know if they are planning to add another level in EA (also if they are satisfied with how fast we are getting XP right now) ...
- I would like to know wich topics they are concidering of our feedback > like "we noticed majority dont like *THIS* and we are curently talking about it, no need to bump on this matter, thank you"