Joined: Apr 2021
I mean it's hard to say a game is perfect (10/10) and it's harder to say it about BG3.
I could heard a "wow I am amazed it's super cool , love it, blablabla" but the story and the companions are far from perfect.
But don't get me wrong, I'm happy you enjoy the game and you love it.
But I get too you're not familiar with this kind of game so it may explain a part of your enthousiasm.
So, just trust me, there is some (I wont dare to say A LOT OF) games with better stories and better companions ! I hope you will try them one day ! ^^ Well, to be fair I don’t give low ratings, unless it’s really bad, so usually games I like are all above 7/10. I haven’t played this genre for a long time, so can be considered new to the genre, even tho I grew up playing these kind of the games, I think the graphics, animation, and character design played a big part here, since I like things to be really visual, it makes easier to be a part of the world, and enjoy the game. As I also stated before I liked the story a lot, because I love movies about aliens/parasites + the fantasy world like Lotr for example, so get the best of both worlds. But while I wait until they release more things, I’m open for new suggestions, which games of this genre do you consider better? With superior graphics, stories and companions?
Joined: Feb 2021
Well, to be fair I don’t give low ratings, unless it’s really bad, so usually games I like are all above 7/10. I haven’t played this genre for a long time, so can be considered new to the genre, even tho I grew up playing these kind of the games, I think the graphics, animation, and character design played a big part here, since I like things to be really visual, it makes easier to be a part of the world, and enjoy the game. As I also stated before I liked the story a lot, because I love movies about aliens/parasites + the fantasy world like Lotr for example, so get the best of both worlds.
But while I wait until they release more things, I’m open for new suggestions, which games of this genre do you consider better? With superior graphics, stories and companions? If you like the game, do not feel the need to justify why or the need to validate you view. It is always nice to see people actually post some positive views on the game, rather than just dogpiling on it. Glad you are enjoying the experience so far, and like you I am keeping an eye on their patches to see what new changes are down the line. It would be cool if we had some custom characters, I have read a couple places that may happen, but who knows at this point. If you like aliens, I would recommend XCOM2 (though it is a little more difficult but they do have a tutorial). Also, there is one I really enjoyed, and that was Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden.
Last edited by Pandemonica; 11/04/21 01:42 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
I love a lot of the same things, but I also really love Turn Based. I really never liked RTWP games. I liked Neverwinter 1, but 2 drove me nuts because the characters would do their own things. Very hard to control them without spamming Pause constantly, and even then, if I got distracted they'd get themselves killed or something.
With turn based, I control every move. I get to see all the cool magic effects. I f I waste a spell, its on me. I dont have some stupid script causing my mage to cast magic missile on an enemy who has like 2 hit points and who has low AC, and my main kills the bad guy before the first missile actually lands. I cant tell you how many times that's happened to me on NWN2.
This game is 10 times more fun to me than NWN2, and although I just criticized it I did enjoy it a lot. This game, though, feels more like Im playing a movie or TV series. I really can't wait for them to release more story.
Joined: Apr 2021
If you like the game, do not feel the need to justify why or the need to validate you view. It is always nice to see people actually post some positive views on the game, rather than just dogpiling on it. Glad you are enjoying the experience so far, and like you I am keeping an eye on their patches to see what new changes are down the line. It would be cool if we had some custom characters, I have read a couple places that may happen, but who knows at this point. If you like aliens, I would recommend XCOM2 (though it is a little more difficult but they do have a tutorial). Also, there is one I really enjoyed, and that was Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. True, you made a good point, and thanks for your comment and suggestions. I hope it happens, I'm currently playing with 4 custom characters on my second playthrough. I was checking the games you have suggested, and must say XCOM 2 does look interesting, and seems I can customize a lot there, which is cool, might try it. Mutant Year Zero looks interesting too. I love a lot of the same things, but I also really love Turn Based. I really never liked RTWP games. I liked Neverwinter 1, but 2 drove me nuts because the characters would do their own things. Very hard to control them without spamming Pause constantly, and even then, if I got distracted they'd get themselves killed or something.
With turn based, I control every move. I get to see all the cool magic effects. I f I waste a spell, its on me. I dont have some stupid script causing my mage to cast magic missile on an enemy who has like 2 hit points and who has low AC, and my main kills the bad guy before the first missile actually lands. I cant tell you how many times that's happened to me on NWN2.
This game is 10 times more fun to me than NWN2, and although I just criticized it I did enjoy it a lot. This game, though, feels more like Im playing a movie or TV series. I really can't wait for them to release more story. Just checked Neverwinter, wasn't a fan of the animation and design overall, but I'm sure is a lot of fun. Haha, I agree it feels like a movie, but even better, since you can be a part of the movie, and you are inside there making the decisions.
Joined: Feb 2021
Xcom 2 rocks! I love that game too. I especially liked the DLC adding The Lost to the mix. Very zombie apocalypse like with The Lost missions.
You might not fully get the overall story for XCom2 without playing 1, but it is not as much a story game as it is a military anti alien task force management blow up aliens in turn based mode game.
But character customization is fun and characters can die and be new ones hired to replace the old. You can make endless numbers of custom characters, which is one of the most fun parts about it.
But BG3 beats it out any day so far. 😁
Have you tried Solasta? It is another D&D 5e game. Still not as cinematic as BG3, but it is a fun RPG where you create a party of 4 custom characters and adventure in a fantasy world with turn based combat. It is also in EA, but will be full released soon. That game has fun party banter.
Joined: Apr 2021
Zombie apocalypse sounds even more fun than those aliens actually, but yes, I might definitely try it, the character customization is what got my attention the most, but hopefully there is story too.
Solasta I had considered, I did some research before I got Baldur's Gate 3, so Solasta was among the options, but then BG3 was the most interesting for me, and don't regret with the choice I made. I can still play Solasta some another time, maybe after the game is done, have you played?
Joined: Feb 2021
Xcom has story. It just isn't as heavy on story like BG3. I like the story a lot. If you haven't played Xcom1, that's fine, there will just be a few things you might not understand as much. Still, the story is stand alone enough that you can play it without playing 1.
I have beaten Solasta early access. It is a solid game. Very well done. It shows players how D&D rules can work on a video game. It is more true to the 5e rules than BG3. Still, I love BG3 more. Ive played maybe 30 hours of Solasta and 330 of BG3. Quite the difference. But I have enjoyed many of Solasta's elements a lot. For being a game on a much lower budget, it's pretty darn good.
If you like turn based tactical games like Xcom 2, though, Battletech by Hairbrained is another fun game with giant mechs blowing the crap out of each other and a decent story with lots of customization for both mech pilots and mechs.
I also like the Shadowrun games, though they are more dark and are a blend of sci fi and fantasy. Hairbrained did Shadowrun as well. That's series is more story based RPG. You can only create a single custom character though.
Joined: Mar 2021
I remember I read some braggart articles by this writer named Drew Karpyshyn, who worked on the BGII game, and he claimed that the second game in this series had an amount of story equaling 300 novels worth of story text. Ultimately, it's the literary suspension of disbelief that makes a game like this so enchanting. Me? I'd like to see more puzzles. The puzzle that unlocks the temple of Selune and leads to the Underdark was a fun time.
Joined: Oct 2020
I remember I read some braggart articles by this writer named Drew Karpyshyn, who worked on the BGII game, and he claimed that the second game in this series had an amount of story equaling 300 novels worth of story text. Ultimately, it's the literary suspension of disbelief that makes a game like this so enchanting. Me? I'd like to see more puzzles. The puzzle that unlocks the temple of Selune and leads to the Underdark was a fun time. Oh, lucky you! I don't like puzzles, they break my brain... It's a good thing this one had alternative ways. I wish it would always be like this. Q___Q
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Oct 2020
Hey  First, I never asked for Kallark to justify his appreciation of the game. Nevertheless, I disagree with pandemonica. It's important and interesting to explain (not justify) why and what you like. CJMpinger I'm not sure we can talk about "evidence" here but this is not the point I didn't asked for it as I didn't explain why I disagree. But it wouldn't be hard to find a lot of things who could be enhanced about the story or the companions. Kallark, I would advice you to try Pillars of eternity Deadfire, tyranny, pathfinder : kingmaker. You could try torment of numerena which is really particular, with a looot of talking but it may please you it's in a strange and futurist space world. What else.... It's a good start ! But all this game aren't in 3D which didn't mean they have worst graphics, just different (I didn't say a single bad word about the BG3's graphics ^^).
Joined: Apr 2021
I have beaten Solasta early access. It is a solid game. Very well done. It shows players how D&D rules can work on a video game. It is more true to the 5e rules than BG3. Still, I love BG3 more. Ive played maybe 30 hours of Solasta and 330 of BG3. Quite the difference. But I have enjoyed many of Solasta's elements a lot. For being a game on a much lower budget, it's pretty darn good.
If you like turn based tactical games like Xcom 2, though, Battletech by Hairbrained is another fun game with giant mechs blowing the crap out of each other and a decent story with lots of customization for both mech pilots and mechs.
I also like the Shadowrun games, though they are more dark and are a blend of sci fi and fantasy. Hairbrained did Shadowrun as well. That's series is more story based RPG. You can only create a single custom character though. Awesome! To be honest I don’t actually care about D&D rules, in my opinion not all games need to follow them, so I can understand people are complaining, but in my opinion there are other things that matter more, and BD3 has done an excellent job. Wow! 330 hours is a lot, but I will probably get there, have been playing a lot too 😆 Hmm, Battletech and Shadowrun are probably fun, but didn’t exactly catch my interest 😅 So XCOM2 might be my choice so far after I finish my second playthrough here 😄
Joined: Apr 2021
I remember I read some braggart articles by this writer named Drew Karpyshyn, who worked on the BGII game, and he claimed that the second game in this series had an amount of story equaling 300 novels worth of story text. Ultimately, it's the literary suspension of disbelief that makes a game like this so enchanting. Me? I'd like to see more puzzles. The puzzle that unlocks the temple of Selune and leads to the Underdark was a fun time. The puzzles can be fun, but I was like unsure if that was a puzzle or not, but it was for sure fun solving that one yeah, they just have to be more clear about those puzzles. Kallark, I would advice you to try Pillars of eternity Deadfire, tyranny, pathfinder : kingmaker. You could try torment of numerena which is really particular, with a looot of talking but it may please you it's in a strange and futurist space world. What else.... It's a good start !
But all this game aren't in 3D which didn't mean they have worst graphics, just different (I didn't say a single bad word about the BG3's graphics ^^). Thank you for the suggestions! Pathfinder: Kingmaker was on my list when I wanted a new RPG game, but then Baldur’s Gaye 3 seemed more interesting for my taste, and caught more my attention, so chose BG3. Pathfinder didn’t look so cinematic for me Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire looks fun, so this one I will try for sure. Didn’t like graphics of Tyranny so much, so not sure that one is for me, same with Torment of Numerena, but will probably try someday. Thank you for all the suggestions, always fun learning about more games, I really like the genre, but here BG3 was a big win for me, especially because of the graphics, all these other suggestions don’t seem to top that, but I will definitely be checking Pillars of Eternity 2, the story is probably awesome.
Joined: Jan 2021
I also really appreciated the characters' animations and facial expressions overall. On my first playthrough, I couldn't get over that I could converse so much with the goblins and how expressive their faces were. I was almost sorry to kill them. Not sorry enough not to do it, since most of them were despicable individuals. However, they somehow managed to be horrible and endearing at the same time thanks to the facial animations and voice acting.
Although there are certainly things that needs to fixed or fleshed out since the game is EA, I appreciate the quality of graphics overall. One of my favourite parts of playing an RPG is the exploration of the game world, and they've done a great job of making a beautiful world to explore. That helps with the immersion hugely for me.
If they can improve some of the role-playing and mechanics issues, then this RPG will have the best of both worlds.
Joined: Oct 2020
My <professional> assessment of the game currently puts BG3 at a solid 7/10, 77/100, 13/20(if your frenchlol) , B-. IN EA! UI and tactical combat gameplay problems (DOS2 and D&D bastardization) keeps it from a 9/10. Adding more BG1 / BG2 type of atmosphere, deeper dialogue choices, less cringy character love dialogues, more playable characters and in an ideal world....a party of 5... would knock it up to a 10/10. All this of course depending on a SOLID story, which right seems to be the case...But its always EASY to start a great story, MID-to end point is a lot more challenging.
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 12/04/21 08:23 AM.
Joined: Feb 2020
My <professional> assessment of the game currently puts BG3 at a solid 7/10, 77/100, 13/20(if your frenchlol) , B-. IN EA! UI and tactical combat gameplay problems (DOS2 and D&D bastardization) keeps it from a 9/10. Adding more BG1 / BG2 type of atmosphere, deeper dialogue choices, less cringy character love dialogues, more playable characters and in an ideal world....a party of 5... would knock it up to a 10/10. All this of course depending on a SOLID story, which right seems to be the case...But its always EASY to start a great story, MID-to end point is a lot more challenging. 100% agree This would probably be a 10/10 for me too.
Joined: Apr 2021
My <professional> assessment of the game currently puts BG3 at a solid 7/10, 77/100, 13/20(if your frenchlol) , B-. IN EA! UI and tactical combat gameplay problems (DOS2 and D&D bastardization) keeps it from a 9/10. Adding more BG1 / BG2 type of atmosphere, deeper dialogue choices, less cringy character love dialogues, more playable characters and in an ideal world....a party of 5... would knock it up to a 10/10. All this of course depending on a SOLID story, which right seems to be the case...But its always EASY to start a great story, MID-to end point is a lot more challenging. Well, I haven’t played BG1 or BG2, but the characters keep mentioning I will meet them in Baldur’s Gate, so I imagine once we get to Baldur’s Gate, it might connect to the previous games quite nicely, I’m sure they have a lot of surprises for us, since the game is unfinished, and I really hope they increase the party size yes
Joined: Apr 2021
I also really appreciated the characters' animations and facial expressions overall. On my first playthrough, I couldn't get over that I could converse so much with the goblins and how expressive their faces were. I was almost sorry to kill them. Not sorry enough not to do it, since most of them were despicable individuals. However, they somehow managed to be horrible and endearing at the same time thanks to the facial animations and voice acting.
Although there are certainly things that needs to fixed or fleshed out since the game is EA, I appreciate the quality of graphics overall. One of my favourite parts of playing an RPG is the exploration of the game world, and they've done a great job of making a beautiful world to explore. That helps with the immersion hugely for me. Agreed! 🙌 I wasn’t sorry to kill the goblins tho, they were threat, so had to save the tieflings
Joined: Apr 2021
A few months later, I return, and now I have tried most of the games that had been suggested here (XCOM2, Pillars of Eternity 2, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Solasta, Wasteland 3, and many others), and I have to say, thank you all for the suggestions.
I have had a blast with each game, some of them were truly amazing, but I do think Baldur’s Gate 3 still remain my favorite. So can’t wait until the game is fully done.
Last edited by Kallark; 10/11/21 12:07 AM.
Joined: Sep 2021
Glad you love the game. I respectfully completely disagree that this is currently a 10/10 game. Tons of detailed threads related to game mechanics, atmosphere, dialogues, UI, itemization etc etc...in the forum on why. All you bring to the table is <love>. Nothing constructive towards bettering the game, however good or bad. I disagree. First of all, most of the "constructive" criticism on this forum looks more like bitterness towards Larian's brand of fun, and lack of strong design ties to the first 2 BG games. Both things that I (and many other players) love about the game. And second, some projects benefit greatly from people being able to say "that's good enough, you can move on to other stuff now". People like you are necessary, sure. Being vocal about things can and does often lead to change (thankfully, not always to the change that you want to see). People like the OP are also necessary. They make sure that these public spaces don't turn completely into vitriol pits, and also tell the developers that the game is good enough as is, and that trying to fix it further could actually make it worse.
Joined: Jun 2020
I'd say that most of us work hard to keep the atmosphere here positive, friendly, open and constructive, even when a large percentage of us post in mostly critical ways. The serious threads - and they are many, are for the sot part based on hones,t open assessment, and not emotional bitterness at all, though there are plenty of cases where strong personal opinions conflict, obviously. Writing them off as just bitter haters is not helpful or constructive though. Anyone saying that this game is currently a smash hit 10/10 is engaging in obvious hyperbole, and that is (or it should be) understood. No-one, not even the most ardent fans of the game and of Larian as a company, actually believes at an honest level that it is perfect and flawless, because it tangibly is not.
Praising the good in a game is very helpful feedback - but unequivocal praise and lauding in the face of the tangible reality is not, and is more likely to be harmful to the project overall. Remember that the folks here who are the most critical are people who genuinely love, or want to love, this game, and who want it to be not just good, but the best game it can be. If we didn't want that, we wouldn't be here.