I loaded up an old save after the last hotpatch and I was just about to fight the goblins outside the druid grove. Halfway through the cutscene, everyone T-poses and the game freezes. I reload and try again, this time skipping through the cutscene. About 10 seconds into the battle, the game freezes again. I load a different save, one after the goblin fight. This time I make my way to the blighted village. As soon as I walk in the eastern entrance, my character's animation freezes, though she still moves, until about 5 seconds later and the game freezes. I tried the south entrance, and it happened again.
I decided to switch methods. Maybe my saves were no longer compatible with the newest version of the game. I make a new character and try again. This time, the game froze in the middle of Gale's introduction.
I tried verifying the cache integrity of my game through steam. It got almost to the end when I encountered a disc read error. Something about a missing texture file, idk. I'm doing it again now, and if I get the same error, I'll post the exact quote here.
Last edited by vometia; 17/04/21 12:24 PM. Reason: typo/solved