How it works in 5e;
You have 2 spell slots. You cast 0 leveled spells on your turn.
Enemy attacks you.
You use your reaction to cast Hellish Rebuke. 1 spell slot is consumed. You now have 1 spell slot.
How it works in BG3;
You have 2 spell slots. You cast 0 leveled spells on your turn.
Enemy attacks you.
You forgot to cast Hellish Rebuke on your turn. No reaction is made.
Your turn. You cast Hellish Rebuke. You now have 1 spell slot.
Enemy's turn. No one attacks you. No reaction is made.
Ally's turn. All enemies are killed. Battle ends, you're down 1 spell slot, and Hellish Rebuke is still in reaction bar. You'll get 'em next time, tiger.
If I know Hellish Rebuke, it should always be on my reaction bar, no spell slots spent. When I'm hit, Hellish Rebuke is triggered, AND THEN a spell slot is consumed.
Last edited by footface; 23/04/21 06:08 PM.