Joined: Mar 2021
I think the default character should be a lolth sworn rogue. Edge lords make up the majority of the population, and character creation should reflect that.
Joined: Jun 2019
Last time I clicked character creator, I got the super model tanned High Elf cleric as the flat default, unless you mean when you click off for <shudders> Human? Clicking other races goes off the previous selection gender.
Example : Origin unlocker mod Gale selected? Male Custom Lae'zel selected? Female Custom etc etc
My gripe with the character creation, are the locked heads to specific race nonsense we currently have. Like you'll pick Seladine Drow but not be allowed some of the Lolth Drow heads, whaaa? What's that about! The game defaults to a human, black, female cleric, at least for me. The rant the OP alludes to was clearly racist and misandrist and I would ask Larian if this represents the values of their company? But the editor can default to whatever it likes, so long as I have the opportunity to pick the race and colour and species of my choice within the bounds of the lore. Does it matter if it defaults to a black woman? So long as I can switch to a white man or Elf (since the human men faces look really, really bad) to chose then no, it does not. It's not like Larian excluded white men from it so I don't know why anyone is going to get bent out of shape about it defaulting to something other. I do not know what you are talking about, by default I always have an elf female cleric... I mean after cutscene. And she's not black at all. Well first my point was that I don't give a damn whether it's a he or she, or whether they're white, black or skybluepink and secondly I'm sure I've seen a black human cleric so maybe it changes, or maybe I was hallucinating, I honestly don't care. The reply was to point out that we're not being prevented from playing White men so who cares what it defaults to? Criticise the rant, but don't complain about what the game defaults to. There's more valuable feedback that can be given. This is a stupid thread and I don't even know why I'm posting in it. Edit: Just to be clear, not having a pop at you in any way, just clarifying what my reply was about.
Last edited by Chief_Jericho; 08/05/21 11:17 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I can't find any good reason for this design decision apart from a political agenda being pushed into a game. Ding Ding Ding you got it The media is full of this shit nowadays And although I hate identity politics (as any rational person should) in this case I don't care Well, "this shit" happens to be incredibly profound and meaningfull to minorities, while to those who do not belong to a minority really should have greater strength of mind than to take offense. It's frankly pathetic.
Why not? If most players tend to recreate themselves (so while male human NPC) why not enocurage them to branch out in a game in roleplaying (aka. inhabiting made up character shoes?). What a ridiculous thing to say. Imagine telling people they need to accept avatars that don't represent their identity. I hope this kind of fanaticism is not widespread at the studio.
Joined: Mar 2021
I'm a white guy irl, and the last white guy I made in a character creator was in Skyrim way back when. He was a big, hairy guy, a nord, who was sneaky, adept at magic, AND he had a big glaive. He picked fights with EVERYONE. Every time I'd make my last save for the night, I'd fast travel to Whiterun and murder everyone, just because I could. I almost played another white guy recently in dnd, but that game fell through before it even started. He was going to be a lawful evil paladin that used to kill peasants for the king. I pictured him to look like Super Man. It's a shame I never got to play him. They were both violent idiots. And don't get me wrong, violent idiots are a blast, but I like to play other stuff too. What a ridiculous thing to say. Imagine telling people they need to accept avatars that don't represent their identity. I hope this kind of fanaticism is not widespread at the studio. idk, dude, branching out is pretty fun, but by all means, play a white guy if you want. Nothing wrong with that, no sir.
Last edited by footface; 09/05/21 06:02 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
I'm a white guy irl, and the last white guy I made in a character creator was in Skyrim way back when. He was a big, hairy guy, a nord, who was sneaky, adept at magic, AND he had a big glaive. He picked fights with EVERYONE. Every time I'd make my last save for the night, I'd fast travel to Whiterun and murder everyone, just because I could. I almost played another white guy recently in dnd, but that game fell through before it even started. He was going to be a lawful evil paladin that used to kill peasants for the king. I pictured him to look like Super Man. It's a shame I never got to play him. They were both violent idiots. And don't get me wrong, violent idiots are a blast, but I like to play other stuff too. What a ridiculous thing to say. Imagine telling people they need to accept avatars that don't represent their identity. I hope this kind of fanaticism is not widespread at the studio. idk, dude, branching out is pretty fun, but by all means, play a white guy if you want. Nothing wrong with that, no sir. Yeah, totally agree. it's boring to play a character that is even remotely similar to who you are irl. lol. I'm an older bald white guy. I really don't like to play characters that are older bald white guys. In fact, I can't stand the looks of the older bald white guys in the game. Does anyone play them, or are they just there for NPC models? 😄 My first character in BG3 was a blue haired, black skinned half drow cleric male. My next was a Gith with teal hair. After that, a tiefling female rogue with red skin and blue hair and funky tattoos on her face. One of my favorites is a female drow fighter who was my evil character arc. Oh, and I did like my female dwarf wizard with the axe. Anyway. It may not be true, but I can't help but think of a young kid creating the OP who is here to just get everyone riled up. I've known a few younger people these days who like to do that; sitting on their computer typing racist comments and then laughing when they see all the upset comments flying. I think some of the comments on these threads are just that; someone just posting crap to get people mad and in trouble with the moderators just for a few cheap laughs. OMG. I sound old. 😳 Did I say Im an older bald white guy, and did I use the phrase, "younger people THESE DAYS"? Aaaaargh! Well, at least I didn't call the youngins. 😄
Joined: Mar 2020
I think the default is a cleric female elf... Not that it matters when you can have pink character if you'd like
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Anyway. It may not be true, but I can't help but think of a young kid creating the OP who is here to just get everyone riled up. I've known a few younger people these days who like to do that I've known a few younger people in the (very) old days. Such as me: I was a horrible teenager and nearly got chucked out of college for online obnoxiousness. Date: 20-JAN-1988 13:56:12 GMT From: [redacted]@UK.AC.POW.GENVAX To: [redacted]@UK.AC.RL.GB Subj: Hackers etc.
W.R.T. undergrad use of JANET, .......
We have also learnt not to trust students when they are given access to email at the Polytechnic. Last year access to VMS mail was removed following extensive abuse of the system. As regards Grey Book Mail to external sites, we started with ....
Plan A: Undergrads are allowed JANET mail access if the request is cleared with their personal/year tutor, and its use is educational. Seemed fair enough. Tutor: "So you want to use electronic mail across JANET, great, think of the improvement to your keyboard skills. Where do I sign? Have a nice day !" Now, its some time since I was an undergrad, so I didn't realise that educational means mailing posters of Snoopy, Garfield, reams of adventure stories or choice "poetry" about Robin Hood, Maid Marion and the Merry Men, that may be classed as obscene if snailed via the Post Office. Maybe these files are examples of new ASCII test patterns to check the transparancy of comms links?? *cough* OMG. I sound old. 😳 Did I say Im an older bald white guy You can't say that, it's hirsutist.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Feb 2021
Joined: Mar 2015
Title pretty much says it already. If the majority of players playing D&D are white and male If over 90% of the human NPCs in the Forgotten Reals franchise* are white If, according to Larian itself**, the average character made is white and male Then why is the default human character a stereotypical black woman? This is even more weird since the developers do track the character designs and know exactly that the players create white male characters mostly. If they would just simply sort the faces, colors and other options by popularity, they would also increase the usability of the creator by magnitutes. I can't find any good reason for this design decision apart from a political agenda being pushed into a game. * Baldurs Gate 1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2 together have less than a dozen black human NPCs among several hundreds - the only one I can actually recall is Dynaheir ** Hotfix #4 NewsSimply play Witcher 3, Pathfinder Kingmaker or Kingdom Comes Deliverance. If a game is well made, I wouldn't have a problem with a setting in Asia or Africa where *all* people are black. However, if cultures or characters are designed to 'educate' players or push politics into games, I believe I should be payed for playing such a game  100$ should be enough.
Joined: Mar 2020
Then why is the default human character a . . . black woman? Me. It was my decision. Larian called me and asked what I wanted to see.
Joined: Dec 2020
Then why is the default human character a . . . black woman? Me. It was my decision. Larian called me and asked what I wanted to see. Lol. I'm glad you were brave enough to admit it. The default (first) female in the CC is a high elf cleric. The default (first) human female is a POC. Am gonna agree with GM4Him above - may be a troll to get everyone worked up. That thought sits better than the idea someone is really bent out of shape over what character appears first in the CC he admits he wouldn't play (POC female) anyway.
Joined: Mar 2021
OP hasn't commented since the opening post, so I'm inclined to agree.
Ban him!
Last edited by footface; 10/05/21 12:46 AM.
Joined: Nov 2020
OMG. I sound old. 😳 Did I say Im an older bald white guy, and did I use the phrase, "younger people THESE DAYS"? Aaaaargh!
Well, at least I didn't call the youngins. 😄 No worries, there are a few of older players here. 😀 The last character similar to myself that I've created was probably over two decades ago. Funny enough, I'm planning to make a gnome sorceress in BG3 because of the original BG1. Bioware didn't bother with some of the character creation options back then, and female gnomes didn't even get their own avatar. So it's like re-creating a character I didn't get to play before.
Joined: Nov 2020
Because the picture next to the entry for human in the 5e handbook is of a black woman. Nice continuity, Larian.
Although, i've also not seen this as my "default" character, it's the tanned female elf cleric for me always.
Joined: Apr 2020
My default is a female Elf Cleric with blonde hair. I normally hate identity politics on both sides. But even if the default was female black human, so what? You can change it to several face types, and skin tones. You choose male or female. Black female before white male, would make sense actually. B comes before W, and F comes before M. At least in the English language. Maybe it should be Asian since it starts with an A. Really this issue is a non starter, you have several choices. You don't have to play as a black female human, if you don't want to. Now if your problem was; Why the d*** Elves? I'd be with you. 
Joined: Oct 2020
Heres exactly why I hate CINEMATIC RPGs nowdays...Both sides of coin are in the wrong. The creators following a certain <agenda> and the players crying foul to any bitty things. Usually the best way to avoid this in modern days is to stay clear of any kind of human looking HUMANOID gendered characters. Not much options in that department for BG3.
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 10/05/21 02:29 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think OP is onto something, Larian should really cater to the values and community he represents. Therefore I petition Larian to add following trait: "fragile white masculinity" : Only available to male humans, adds -2 on all saves and checks except with characters who also have the 'fragile white masculinity' trait. Also makes the character gain the following cantrip 'ray of racist incel' : target self, +10 charisma checks towards white male characters with intelligence lower than 10, -10 on all charisma checks with any character with intelligence above 8.
Last edited by SerraSerra; 10/05/21 03:04 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Let's not go down the social justice route please, it's just a free highway to controversial non-sense that has nothing to do with enjoying games and discussing them together.
Let's stick to discussing gaming and try have a space free of politics. To answer the OP: "It just is." - If it wasn't, someone would complain why it isn't. You can customize and change appearances of all races to your heart's content.
Joined: Oct 2020
Because the picture next to the entry for human in the 5e handbook is of a black woman. Nice continuity, Larian.
Although, i've also not seen this as my "default" character, it's the tanned female elf cleric for me always. Yeah, it could be a callback to that. That was my first thought anyway, when I saw this thread. Honestly I hadn't even thought about it before now. If the character creator didn't allow for a certain appearance to be made, then there might've been something to discuss, but with the "enable all options" function, Larian seems happy to let us make our characters any color we please. Which I appreciate. I can recreate Haer'Dalis reasonably well as a planar tiefling thanks to that.
Don't you just hate it when people with dumb opinions have nice avatars?