Joined: Oct 2020
I joined the EA at the end of the first week and was really interested in shaping the latest instalment of the Baldur's Gate series.
The game has worked for me from day one and I have enjoyed playing it for many, many hours.
Looking back, I can remember many bug fixes, improvements in the UI and some additional conversations/cut scenes.
However, the only new content ( locations, abilities, items ) I can remember is the druid class and its associated spells.
So my (hopefully positive) challenge to you is, remind me of all the new content that has been added over the last few months.
Joined: Oct 2020
What new content are you talking about if the EA says "only the first act is available"?
I can say that they have added new companion cut scenes and dialogs. For example, Astarion with a book, Lae's dialogue about tears, Gale's romantic scene, Astarion's romantic scene (now cut out again). Maybe more, but they don't write about such things in the posts, I find it myself. New content that you can expect in EA: new classes, companions, cutscenes, dialogues with NPCs, quests. But no one promised you that.
So, three months ago, they gave you a new class, which is not bad.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Oct 2020
What new content are you talking about if the EA says "only the first act is available"? Hi Nyloth, Thanks for the reply, What I was expecting included: - The rest of Act 1 (Mountain pass?) - Classes/Races/Feats/Spells from the PHB - Some new magic items - Other cool stuff that doesn't involve Barrels/Crates Honestly, I can remember some new content but I was hoping to start a positive discussion about the good job Larian are doing.
Joined: Oct 2020
I doubt that they Touch this Demo built much.
They are working on their true Branch I am Sure. Some modules such as classes might get added into this Demo branch further down the Line though..
I Just Hope they do Not add too much, cause i want the real Thing on Release rather unspoiled with new eyes.
Last edited by Tav3245234325325; 01/06/21 07:14 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I doubt that they Touch this Demo built much.
They are working on their true Branch I am Sure. Some modules such as classes might get added into this Demo branch further down the Line though..
I Just Hope they do Not add too much, cause i want the real Thing on Release rather unspoiled with new eyes. Arguably, all mechanics that are intended for the full release should at least be partially implemented in the EA before everything is finished, so we as players can actually test them and provide feedback on their implementations. Same for at least the start of most major companion storylines, like with Astarion and Shadowheart so feedback can be given there. However they did say awhile back that EA we are intended to only have Act 1, so even if all I hope is added, you eyes will not be spoiled of the overall story.
Joined: Oct 2020
If you want items, there are Githyanki Weapons. :P If you want conversations, whole Goblin questline have several conversations, and options added.
But when we exclude everything that Druid can use ... then you are right, there is no more spells, or classes ... yet.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jan 2021
I joined the EA at the end of the first week and was really interested in shaping the latest instalment of the Baldur's Gate series.
The game has worked for me from day one and I have enjoyed playing it for many, many hours.
Looking back, I can remember many bug fixes, improvements in the UI and some additional conversations/cut scenes.
However, the only new content ( locations, abilities, items ) I can remember is the druid class and its associated spells.
So my (hopefully positive) challenge to you is, remind me of all the new content that has been added over the last few months. Weighted Dice.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Content wise, not a whole lot. Rather Druid is a lot as it is entirely new mechanics and a new set of spells, but compared to what remains that needs to be added its just a small part. I might be wrong but a large part of these patches are actually backend stuff that we don't access like programming fro the not yet added companions and incomplete spells and classes?
Joined: Oct 2020
What new content are you talking about if the EA says "only the first act is available"? Hi Nyloth, Thanks for the reply, What I was expecting included: - The rest of Act 1 (Mountain pass?) - Classes/Races/Feats/Spells from the PHB - Some new magic items - Other cool stuff that doesn't involve Barrels/Crates Honestly, I can remember some new content but I was hoping to start a positive discussion about the good job Larian are doing. - Mountain pass in first act? Maybe but idk, so... - They never said they would add all the classes to EA - Like wut? I know they added weapon, like staff that Kagha gives you after "good ending" with the druids. It is important to note that they added not just a druid class, but also a quest branch that concerns druids. - Another cool staff, hm. like dialogues and cutscenes? well, I already talked about them. I really don't think they will give you much content like Owlcat. I think they are more working on the release version.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Oct 2020
I know they added weapon, like staff that Kagha gives you after "good ending" with the druids. It is important to note that they added not just a druid class, but also a quest branch that concerns druids. That was the sort of thing that I was fishing for. It felt good to be award a new title and to get a new unique magic item. I think there was some new armour added for killing the Bulette but I never managed it until my third play through so I cannot be sure. I am sure there are many other things which I have forgotten / thought I had missed. @DragonSnooz - Weighted Dice, least said soonest mended. @CJMPinger - I am intrigued to see how smiting is handled.
Joined: Oct 2020
I know they added weapon, like staff that Kagha gives you after "good ending" with the druids. It is important to note that they added not just a druid class, but also a quest branch that concerns druids. That was the sort of thing that I was fishing for. It felt good to be award a new title and to get a new unique magic item. I think there was some new armour added for killing the Bulette but I never managed it until my third play through so I cannot be sure. I am sure there are many other things which I have forgotten / thought I had missed. @DragonSnooz - Weighted Dice, least said soonest mended. @CJMPinger - I am intrigued to see how smiting is handled. Oh, you're right I forgot about Bulette! They also added a drow sword and a magic collar, but I don't know how to use it, maybe it's not finished yet.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Oct 2020
staff that Kagha gives you after "good ending" with the druids. Sadly, that is not true ... I was kinda dissapointed when i confronted Kagha with evidence ... then i rejected Rath, supported Kagha with her coup, and even offered my help to Shadowdruids. Yet Kagha and Shadowdruids attacked me ... And when fight was over, Rath thanked me for the help, give me the staff and the title. :-/
Meaning, as far as i know, the only way to avoid this reward is simply killing everyone and dont investigate Kagha at all. :-/
Such a shame. -_-
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 01/06/21 09:47 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
Sadly, that is not true ... I was kinda dissapointed when i confronted Kagha with evidence ... then i rejected Rath, supported Kagha with her coup, and even offered my help to Shadowdruids. Yet Kagha and Shadowdruids attacked me ... And when fight was over, Rath thanked me for the help, give me the staff and the title. :-/
Meaning, as far as i know, the only way to avoid this reward is simply killing everyone and dont investigate Kagha at all. :-/
Such a shame. -_- Oh wow I didn't know that... They changed that hmm, on the first day of the Druid patch Rath only gave me access to get lance. But this staff is a new weapon, it couldn't be obtained before, as far as I remember.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Jun 2019
I don't think they are using the EA to build a better game anymore; just to build a hype train. Maybe they weren't expecting so many people to buy into it, maybe they originally had the intentions of shipping new builds out, but with every change came back lash since so many purchased EA just to play not to test and troubleshoot.
I mean...i have a feeling we'll start seeing closed early access (or hopefully there already is) and then a mass market early access since it brings so much up front capital to continue development and extinguishes any doubt for investors. A very few who are actually interested in testing and bettering the game will get the new builds, the mass market will get whatever fans the fewest flames. Every hotfix has a 100 youtube videos about it and probably 1000's of summary pages immediately spammed to a bajillion eyeballs, good or bad. It's not exactly what you're after when you're still making massive changes and decisions.
Joined: Jun 2020
If they're using the EA to *build* hype, then they are doing an *Exceptionally* bad job of it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
I'm just really interested in seeing what's up with the next patch when it finally comes. All this radio silence has to mean *something*, right?
Something definitely has to have happened if the devs suddenly went from 'we did some backend stuff so patches should be coming faster now' to about 3 months and counting of no news at all.
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 02/06/21 06:52 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
But this staff is a new weapon, it couldn't be obtained before, as far as I remember. Yup ... new since patch 4, certainly.  I was just clearing the rest of your statement.  I don't think they are using the EA to build a better game anymore Or, their idea of making "better game" is simply not the same as ours. I mean ... - there are people who demand real time with pause ... - there are people who demand erasing every rule that is not written in 5e DnD ... - there are people who demand complete rewriting some questslines, bcs they dont feel "motivated enough" to complete them as they is now ... Come on, that will never happen, it all would mean that Larian throw out everything they did until now and start over. -_- You know what im trying to say right? Maybe we were never here to "change the game" ... more like just "tune the game" ... but its still Larian game, and as such it will look, work and feels like Larian game. And i dont think it would be a bad thing. :-/ Most studios dont even bother to tune ... they simply create, give it to us, and sometimes dont even "officialy" let us mod things we dont like. :-/ Something definitely has to have happened if the devs suddenly went from 'we did some backend stuff so patches should be coming faster now' And then we get 4 hotfixes ... every of them significantly smaller dowload than ever before. Maybe they were talking about that. Its not all about big patches bringing new stuff. :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Mar 2020
No major new content other than the aforementioned druid class
Joined: Feb 2020
They changed a bit the lower level of the druid grove in patch 4. Not really sure why because the "new area" contains nothing but a bear NPC that has nothing interresting to say.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 02/06/21 11:20 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
They changed a bit the lower level of the druid grove in patch 4. Not really sure why because the "new area" contains nothing but a bear NPC that has nothing interresting to say. You mean the beach? O_o With that bear who is so huge friend with Halsin? There is even note for Nettie in her room, that she is not suppose to let him eat fishes.  That was there even before, and down there across the water there is hidden treasure box. //edit: The only difference i noticed is in the way towards harpies, they changed cliff a little, so everyone can jump to that pillars, and not just Lae'zel or other high Str character.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 02/06/21 12:38 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!