Joined: Feb 2021
No. Don't you see? The 6 are a collective, just like Mind Flayers. They are all connected, and they all share their thoughts. Even when party members are not present, they know what is happening. You all share items, thoughts, everything. You are all chosen, as a single unit collectively.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
That'd be a good argument for why we shouldn't have companions die purely because they are in the camp at an arbitrary story point.
Joined: Oct 2020
The story implies these are the core characters. 6 people are considered by the Absolute as "Chosen". That is why they are considered "beautiful weapons" and why the goblins are searching for them, and why THEY all have unique special backgrounds and they aren't all just common, regular people. Huh... Let me guess: at some point late in the game you will have to battle/compete among your own party to decide who will be the one really chosen and that person will get the chance to ascend, or something like that. You will have the option to submit and surrender all your power to some other being, or kill said being and take all said power for yourself, or kill said being and also relinquish said power, making sure there will never be another "chosen one" ever again. (Does this game also start on a beach, by any chance?) Also, fire everywhere. ![[Linked Image from i.redd.it]](https://i.redd.it/nm93snupy1i31.jpg)
Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.
Joined: May 2019
Planescape Torment had only 7 companions and it worked really well. BG2 companions were... Well, they had nice writing, but most of them felt pretty generic. Not in a bad way, mind you, and not all of them, there were several standouts, but the majority of them were your average high fantasy adventurers with basic backstory and basic personality. That just proves his point, and that of many others: at the end of the day, most of us play games to have fun. We don't play games because "oh but this story makes so much sense" or "oh but it's ultra realistic that you have a smaller but DEEPER and DYNAMIC cast". It's fun to have a large roster of adequately written companions even if they are "generic", because we'd have options to choose from. It is fun to have options. You can certainly sit there and hope that BG3 will turn out to be another PST - in terms of both style and writing quality. "It worked" for PST, yes, but why? Because that game was never about combat. It's about dialogues, philosophy, story, and it has a superb story. Does BG3 look like it's trying to be another PST - not about combat and going to have PST-level writing? No, it looks like it's going to be another Larian game instead. Here's another thing, what if you dislike certain companions? Oh these NPCs are sooo DYNAMIC and DEEP but you know what I hate their personality, so can I choose other NPCs to fill my party? Oh wait but I don't have much of a choice, do I, because there are only a handful of them. In fact, it's only reasonable that you have at least two options for each major class, so if you need someone to fill a certain role, you have at least two NPCs to choose from - 2 tanks, 2 rogues, 2 archers, 2 mages, 2 clerics, 2 whatever. This explains why BG2's big roster serves it really well - you almost always have options regardless of what kind of role you're trying to fill. PS: this is not even talking about other rp factors like alignment yet. If I want to roleplay a good/evil character, I would want to take along NPCs such that it would make sense for those NPCs to follow my character. As I understand it, this game is trying to create companions that have personality, meaning that they should react to the things you do. So what if 3 or 4 of them dislike what you do? You're screwed big time if you don't have other companions to fill your party. On the other hand, if every NPC would be willing to follow you around no matter what kind of character you are, no matter what you do, then... that sucks. Excellent post. Having options is possibly the single most important and foundational characteristic of a good and fun and memorable (and replayable) RPG. The story implies these are the core characters. 6 people are considered by the Absolute as "Chosen". That is why they are considered "beautiful weapons" and why the goblins are searching for them, and why THEY all have unique special backgrounds and they aren't all just common, regular people. Huh... Let me guess: at some point late in the game you will have to battle/compete among your own party to decide who will be the one really chosen and that person will get the chance to ascend, or something like that. You will have the option to submit and surrender all your power to some other being, or kill said being and take all said power for yourself, or kill said being and also relinquish said power, making sure there will never be another "chosen one" ever again. (Does this game also start on a beach, by any chance?) Also, fire everywhere. LOL. Another great post! Larian's fire everywhere has spread to you, 'cause you're on fire! 
Joined: Oct 2020
It really feels like they gave up on trying to make something different and are moving back to their DOS formula, which I do not like at all. I just hope it allows save state transfers, because I hate the companions, I want to play with friends and family or my own custom party instead. I just dont understand the corralling of players in a D&D game. With how bad Dark Alliance turned out, I feel the bar is really low right now and without strong pushback from us, the unpaid testers, we arent going to see much change.
Last edited by Vekkares; 30/06/21 01:43 PM.
Joined: May 2019
What is especially astonishing for me is that Larian themselves (Swen and other senior devs), unprompted, went out of their way back when the game was first announced to emphasize repeatedly that this is a D&D game and not a D:OS gave with a D&D skin and that they understand that D&D is very different from D:OS and so this game should not be anything like D:OS2. They said this. So why the disconnect?
Joined: Jul 2014
What is especially astonishing for me is that Larian themselves (Swen and other senior devs), unprompted, went out of their way back when the game was first announced to emphasize repeatedly that this is a D&D game and not a D:OS gave with a D&D skin and that they understand that D&D is very different from D:OS and so this game should not be anything like D:OS2. They said this. So why the disconnect? Hubris? I remember reading Swen Vincke's personal blog for years, way before they had their first "hit" with DOS1. I'm talking about this one: http://www.lar.net/Back then the man was going on and on about how much he loved Ultima VII, BG2, how their set of features and their complexity made them what they were, and how his dream was to build "the big RPG to dwarf them all". Something clearly changed over time. Aside for the fact that he stopped posting there in 2015, in recent times he went often back to dismiss most of the "awesome features" he used to praise (like day/night cycle and the detailed NPC scheduling of Ultima VII) like something absolutely pointless and not worth bothering with.
Joined: Mar 2020
Back then the man was going on and on about how much he loved Ultima VII, BG2, how their set of features and their complexity made them what they were, and how his dream was to build "the big RPG to dwarf them all". Something clearly changed over time. I disagree. Larian D:OS design has clear inspirations taken from Ultima (or at least it’s legacy, I am more familiar with “Immersive Sim” legacy then game itself) - their games are system driven, abilities interacting with things in a predictable manner, items being physical objects with mass and weight that can be manipulated thrown around. (That’s more of Ultima underworld… as I mentioned I only know Ultima series though reputation). It is not shocking, that Larian prefers to build on what they have, rather then toss it all aside and build anew. One can point to things in U7 and BG2 that BG3 doesn’t have, but I am sure there is stuff BG3 has that is lacking in the other two. Larian has its own template to build and develop and that’s a good thing. Whenever it’s a good template for BG IP is another matter.
Joined: Feb 2021
Can I ask? Is anyone else having difficulties even playing the game suddenly? My game is glitching out on me every time I try to play. Sometimes, it won't even let me move my characters. I also tried to get through the Gith encounter, but the sound is jacked up. I can hear voices and music, but there is no dragon roaring or fire breathing sound effects, etc. During the Gith fight, my characters' abilities are getting flubbed up. I won't have used a Bonus Action and during 1 round it reds out my Potion. Though it says it only requires a Bonus action, and I clearly have the indicator showing I still have a Bonus action to use, it won't let me drink a Potion or use the offhand attack. Then, a round later, it lets me use my Bonus Action to do these things. Sometimes, when I load up, the map won't even appear and the logs are blank. Other times, everything is fine.
Do you think this is because they are doing some sort of secret updates behind the scenes and thus things are getting jacked up? I mean... It is just suddenly this is happening. I've done nothing new or different. It's weird.
Joined: Oct 2020
What is especially astonishing for me is that Larian themselves (Swen and other senior devs), unprompted, went out of their way back when the game was first announced to emphasize repeatedly that this is a D&D game and not a D:OS gave with a D&D skin and that they understand that D&D is very different from D:OS and so this game should not be anything like D:OS2. They said this. So why the disconnect? They also repeatedly claimed that they understand what BG is and that BG3 will be a "proper sequel". Well. I remember reading Swen Vincke's personal blog for years, way before they had their first "hit" with DOS1. I'm talking about this one: http://www.lar.net/Back then the man was going on and on about how much he loved Ultima VII, BG2, how their set of features and their complexity made them what they were, and how his dream was to build "the big RPG to dwarf them all". Something clearly changed over time. Aside for the fact that he stopped posting there in 2015, in recent times he went often back to dismiss most of the "awesome features" he used to praise (like day/night cycle and the detailed NPC scheduling of Ultima VII) like something absolutely pointless and not worth bothering with. That makes me really sad. I didn't know Larian before BG3 announcement and was immediately sold on the company when I saw that these people are passionate nerds and not some soulless suits... and yet, here we are, with BG3 being neither a good Baldur's Gate game nor a good D&D game. What went wrong? Hubris, as you say? My impression is that Larian have their own "vision" of what BG3 should be that is "superior" to being faithful to the original saga and D&D. It's not that they lack the ability (as far as I can tell), they're not even trying. That or they still haven't taken a step back and looked at their game at a wider perspective. One can point to things in U7 and BG2 that BG3 doesn’t have, but I am sure there is stuff BG3 has that is lacking in the other two. Larian has its own template to build and develop and that’s a good thing. Whenever it’s a good template for BG IP is another matter. That is my problem right there. If you take like 80% of characteristic features of BG1&2 and replace them with something else... should you call the resulting game BG3? I would be much less critical if this was a new IP. Or even a spin-off, like the original Dark Alliance games. (Though, to be fair, many of the problems I have with BG3 I'd also consider problems in "Faerun Adventure: Illithid Menace" or whatever original IP.)
Joined: Sep 2023
What is especially astonishing for me is that Larian themselves (Swen and other senior devs), unprompted, went out of their way back when the game was first announced to emphasize repeatedly that this is a D&D game and not a D:OS gave with a D&D skin and that they understand that D&D is very different from D:OS and so this game should not be anything like D:OS2. They said this. So why the disconnect? They also repeatedly claimed that they understand what BG is and that BG3 will be a "proper sequel". Well. I remember reading Swen Vincke's personal blog for years, way before they had their first "hit" with DOS1. I'm talking about this one: http://www.lar.net/Back then the man was going on and on about how much he loved Ultima VII, BG2, how their set of features and their complexity made them what they were, and how his dream was to build "the big RPG to dwarf them all". Something clearly changed over time. Aside for the fact that he stopped posting there in 2015, in recent times he went often back to dismiss most of the "awesome features" he used to praise (like day/night cycle and the detailed NPC scheduling of Ultima VII) like something absolutely pointless and not worth bothering with. That makes me really sad. I didn't know Larian before BG3 announcement and was immediately sold on the company when I saw that these people are passionate nerds and not some soulless suits... and yet, here we are, with BG3 being neither a good Baldur's Gate game nor a good D&D game. What went wrong? Hubris, as you say? My impression is that Larian have their own "vision" of what BG3 should be that is "superior" to being faithful to the original saga and D&D. It's not that they lack the ability (as far as I can tell), they're not even trying. That or they still haven't taken a step back and looked at their game at a wider perspective. One can point to things in U7 and BG2 that BG3 doesn’t have, but I am sure there is stuff BG3 has that is lacking in the other two. Larian has its own template to build and develop and that’s a good thing. Whenever it’s a good template for BG IP is another matter. That is my problem right there. If you take like 80% of characteristic features of BG1&2 and replace them with something else... should you call the resulting game BG3? I would be much less critical if this was a new IP. Or even a spin-off, like the original Dark Alliance games. (Though, to be fair, many of the problems I have with BG3 I'd also consider problems in "Faerun Adventure: Illithid Menace" or whatever original IP.) Aged badly
Joined: Jan 2018
1 why did you necro a topic from 2021? 2 why were you even reading a topic from 2021?
Joined: Oct 2020
Who can say why on the necro, but it does show the unicode thing I mentioned elsewhere... You can see it in the posts quoted above, which have the symbols ’ instead of the ' character. It's all over the place in the older threads, and in a lot of the older thread titles. I think it must have happened when the boards went down shortly after launch in Aug - like restored, but with a different encoding? It's a (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK - U+2019) character which is being decoded as CP-1252 instead of UTF-8. If you check the Encodings table of this character at FileFormat.Info, then you see that this character is in UTF-8
And if you check the CP-1252 code page layout at Wikipedia, then you'll see that the hex bytes E2, 80 and 99 stand for the individual characters , and . ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/SVscp5C/yJEIJ.png) Taken from the substack query
Last edited by Black_Elk; 05/10/23 12:52 AM.