Joined: Nov 2020
A simple suggestion...
If you roll on advantage or disadvantage and get double 20s, give the player inspiration...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Hmm, any particular reason why? Not for or against, just curious.
Joined: Jul 2014
I mean, they could, but it's not like we are exactly starving for inspiration points already...
Joined: Feb 2021
I'd rather that they allow Inspiration in combat. Then, players could spend Inspiration when they need it the most, to avoid dying and/or kill a particularly challenging enemy. That would make earning all the Inspiration points more valuable.
Joined: Sep 2017
Joined: Feb 2021
Remove height advantage and allow Inspiration to be used in combat, player's choice. Adds to strategy. Is your character dying? Failed Death save twice, failed the 3rd? Nope, use inspiration and try again.
Think about it. When is Inspiration most important? Battle. Not dialogue. In real life, you inspire people before battle to help boost their focus and morale. So when should Inspiration be used most in this game? Combat.
Besides, with background rewards now, we get inspiration more often. So it would make the most sense.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
At least give us an option to use it in combat. But it is a little off topic.
Last edited by CJMPinger; 31/07/21 11:11 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I wonder what should that inspiration point represent ...
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Well. I was thinking IF they allowed use in combat, then allowing the OPs suggestion would be good. Then, you'd get rewarded for a super awesome roll. Otherwise, it isn't really necessary with our current 4 Inspiration limit.
Last edited by GM4Him; 01/08/21 08:09 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
really, you are starving for inspiration... I suggest taking the right Characters with the right high skills for the checks you need to do. My characters rarely have less then 2 Inspiration points left. mostly i never need them. I play weighted Dice. I need to check next playthrough with original Dices functionality before they implemented weighted one. Maybe then i will lose more inspiration.
BUT then again, are we all afraid of consequences? Use Inspiration in the most important choices you really want to have in your way. All other failed checks can make your game more interessting, fun and whatever else...
Last edited by TheHero; 01/08/21 08:39 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Remove height advantage and allow Inspiration to be used in combat, player's choice. Adds to strategy. Is your character dying? Failed Death save twice, failed the 3rd? Nope, use inspiration and try again.
Think about it. When is Inspiration most important? Battle. Not dialogue. In real life, you inspire people before battle to help boost their focus and morale. So when should Inspiration be used most in this game? Combat. ... You said it yourself, Inspiration is used in dialog BEFORE BATTLE before everyone charges into the enemy line. Its not used in Battle, only when you cry out loud to rally behind your King or Banner. Or a warcry from a Fighter / Barbarian, but then thats called Buff.
Last edited by TheHero; 01/08/21 08:44 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Inspiration Inspiration is a rule the game master can use to reward you for playing your character in a way that’s true to his or her personality traits, ideal, bond, and flaw. By using inspiration, you can draw on your personality trait of compassion for the downtrodden to give you an edge in negotiating with the Beggar Prince. Or inspiration can let you call on your bond to the defense of your home village to push past the effect of a spell that has been laid on you.
Gaining Inspiration Your GM can choose to give you inspiration for a variety of reasons. Typically, GMs award it when you play out your personality traits, give in to the drawbacks presented by a flaw or bond, and otherwise portray your character in a compelling way. Your GM will tell you how you can earn inspiration in the game.
You either have inspiration or you don’t—you can’t stockpile multiple “inspirations” for later use.
Using Inspiration If you have inspiration, you can expend it when you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that roll.
Additionally, if you have inspiration, you can reward another player for good roleplaying, clever thinking, or simply doing something exciting in the game. When another player character does something that really contributes to the story in a fun and interesting way, you can give up your inspiration to give that character inspiration.
Joined: Feb 2021
So, GM determines how you earn. If the GM says rolling 2 Natural 20s should be inspiring, Inspiration rewarded.
Also, you can use it when making an attack roll, save, or ability check.
Last edited by GM4Him; 01/08/21 08:52 AM.
Joined: Nov 2020
So to answer all these questions... because its cool
Joined: Oct 2020
Then, you'd get rewarded for a super awesome roll. That is the point ... Right now, you are rewarded if you act acordingly to your characters ideals and preferences. Then you would be rewarded for what exactly?  What even rolls represent ... "your thief was inspired by the extraordinary quality of his own lockpicking skills" ? 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Then, you'd get rewarded for a super awesome roll. That is the point ... Right now, you are rewarded if you act acordingly to your characters ideals and preferences. Then you would be rewarded for what exactly?  What even rolls represent ... "your thief was inspired by the extraordinary quality of his own lockpicking skills" ?  As a long time DM, there is nothing players love more than getting rewards for even the littlest things. I've had more than a few players say things like, "I rolled a Natural 20 on my skill check. What do I get for that?" This in more games than just D&D. In old school Star Wars, it was Force Points. In Lord of the Rings RPG it was Courage. Call it what you want, players like getting special points for good roleplaying AND really good dice rolls. And there is no better use for these things than combat. So, I agree with the OP but only of they allow Inspiration to be used in combat so we get more opportunities to use it than skill checks. Again, take away height as an advantage and allow inspiration in combat. Then, 4 Inspiration will almost seem like not enough, BUT that allows Larian more flexibility to reward players more with Inspiration which provides a more rewarding gameplay.
Last edited by GM4Him; 01/08/21 10:24 PM.
Joined: Sep 2020
So to answer all these questions... because its cool [and fun] +1 Also +1 to allowing inspiration use in combat.
Joined: Mar 2020
Then you would be rewarded for what exactly?  What even rolls represent ... "your thief was inspired by the extraordinary quality of his own lockpicking skills" ?  "Damn, I am GOOD"
Joined: Oct 2020
I would love to ... but that is the problem, i have no idea how to call it.  Guard: What are you doing here? Hero: Im ... uh ... ehm ... suppose to be here, prehaps? *Dice roll, Dif. 1, roll: 20* Guard: Whatever dude, dont care anyway. Hero: *Now im so inspired by that masterpiece story i just made* 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 02/08/21 09:33 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!