4. Overgrown ruins.4.1. The reason to go to the Overgrown Ruins is a bit disconnected from the reality of the situation. Shadowheart implies that we may find some supplies there, but we have at least 1 portion of supplies already.
A) Don’t give supplies to PC and companions at the start of the game.
B) Put some supplies among the marauders' belongings in the ruins.
4.2. Why are there fragments of scaffolding and a hanging foundation block at the upper entrance? The place doesn't look as if it was in the process of building when it got abandoned and destroyed. I suppose the whole purpose of their existence is introducing players to destructible objects, so let’s replace it with something more suitable like an arch that survived whatever ruined this place and has some kind of a lamp hanging on it.
4.3. The Ornate Door with “no handle, no lock” should be indestructible, otherwise It’s strange that Barton's team didn’t try to just break it. Maybe in addition it should be opened by a puzzle instead of a secret trigger, so the marauders won’t seem blind and the player won’t need to rely on a successful roll to open the door.
4.4. The Entombed Scribes' positions are noticeably different from their positions in the cinematic. So, please, place them in the right places.
5. Druid grove.5.1. The Grove entrance doesn't seem even partially hidden with those huge gates not fully covered in growth, their lifting mechanism sticking out of the cliff above and the well-trodden path from the Village. Also it seems odd for druids to have so many mechanisms (lifting gates, lift, something to open all those heavy stone doors) in their grove. I suppose they may have some mechanisms since they had an alliance with Harpers and Selunites, but they shouldn't have those in such places where the mechanism's existence defeats their whole purpose of hiding and protecting the grove. And finally the tieflings controlling the gates of the place which do not belong to them are looking like some usurpers. I think many changes are needed in that area.
A) Put some grass in front of the gates, so the path won't look that well-trodden.
B) Replace the gates with rocks similar to normal rocks nearby. It should look more like a result of a rockfall that happened long ago. Cover those rocks with a few small bushes, ivy vines and very thick vines. The thick vines should move the rocks away from the passage and put them back, they are the lifting mechanism in a druidic-magic style.
C) Replace the whole lifting mechanism above the gates with some kind of a stone with a rune, which is supposed to be the activating artifact for the vines. Place the Druid Sentinel (Sentry) near the rock so the druid would be the one opening the gates. (Yes, it implies some changes to the cutscenes related to the gates,
check 5.1. in this thread for details)
D) Put a bush near the War Horn, so it would be disguised better.
E) Put a big stone behind the Wooden Trunk and Crates so they won't be seen from the road.
F) Elegis, Kaldani and Rikka should be resting around the campfire, only sometimes coming closer to the edge to check the road.
5.2. There are four spots with some interesting content, which are suffering from the same problem as Astarion's original position: we have no sensible reason to go there and are even led away.
A) Kanon’s death spot. Let Kanon fall off the cliff to the road when he dies. And if we don’t talk to Arka and Memnos right away, let them run to Sazza in the background when we will talk to Zevlor.
B) Nadira’s viewpoint. Let someone suggest that we use the Telescope to check the surroundings. It can be done at any moment when someone would talk to us about going somewhere outside the Grove or tell us that the area became dangerous.
C) Alfira’s little camp. Let someone ask us to call her, because she’s needed for packing while she is sitting there being useless. It can be one of the tieflings that were trying to enter the inner circle with Arabella’s parents (Xeph, Amek, Rechel). They can do it right after seeing that we are allowed to enter.
D) The beach with harpies and Mirkon. At the moment we need to come pretty close to hear the harpies singing and we are not provided any reason to even start moving in that direction. Make us hear the singing from a bigger distance. Even better if we would talk to Alfira first, she would leave her spot to help others with packing and we would understand that now we can hear some singing that isn’t hers and it sounds strangely luring.
E) Lakrissa's viewpoint. She herself may notice us on our way to Zevlor and shout from her spot inviting us to have a small talk with her after we are done with Zevlor.
5.3. There are two objects which seem out of their place in the Druid Grove.
A) The Bugbear Assassin. His whole existence is like a symbol that the Grove could be successfully besieged by the goblins without us. Let’s replace him with someone more probable: a harpy, a rabid animal, a fellow tiefling or adventurer that actually serves the original soul coin owner.
B) The Skeleton behind the Danis and Bex shack. Did druids or tieflings kill someone and hide the corpse the worst way possible? Did they keep him for the aesthetics? Either way it's a strange finding. It could be just removed or replaced with any other container.
5.4. The Underground Passage under the Grove keeps being a headache. It’s filled with shooting statues with no way to turn them off. At the same time those statues just ignore stealthed characters, and that makes them such a “great” security measure that no one should bother to have it in the first place.
A) Swap the open Stone Door that leads from the Enclave Library to the Underground Passage with the closed Stone Slab on the opposite. So we will be able to enter the little room inside the Library with no hindrance, but would need the circlet to access the tunnel from the library or vice-versa.
B) Replace the Ruptured Stones inside the little room in the Enclave with a small puzzle. Solving the puzzle should turn off the statues in the tunnel.
C) Make the statues ignore or not being able to harm whoever wears the circlet and all creatures in some radius from that person.
5.5. There are few NPCs missing in the Grove under certain circumstances.
A) Damays and Nymessa never return to the Grove. It's such a missed opportunity to have a fun conversation with them and Lae'zel.
B) Arka and Memnos disappear after the conversation near Sazza's cage.
C) Druids and tieflings from the druids-vs-tieflings cutscene pop up out of nowhere for that cutscene. I think the first druid should stand on the gates (5.1.C) and the rest should be placed all over the Grove.