Joined: Oct 2020
If we want inventory management to be less annoying (and I do) why don’t we focus on the original sin: having millions of containers and too much loot EVERYWHERE. This is what should be addressed. I don't know if this was intended, but I couldn't help but have a chuckle at you pointing out Larian's original sin.
Joined: Aug 2021
I keep sending food to the camp and when the time comes for long rest, I don't find anything anymore of what I've been sending on and on, impossible to benefit from it. Did I understand something wrong about that?
Joined: Aug 2021
I keep sending food to the camp and when the time comes for long rest, I don't find anything anymore of what I've been sending on and on, impossible to benefit from it. Did I understand something wrong about that? There's only one container at the camp where everything you send to camp gets stored. It's kinda redish in color. I've never experienced a bug with stuff not showing up there, but some of the camp maps it can be hard to find. ... back to main thread ... Personally, I like the variety of foods everywhere, it definitely adds immersion for me. Everybody gets different things out of a game, and I really don't mind spending 30 seconds looking at my camp stash and planning the night's meal. Cheese, sausage, bread, and wine? Or stewing a pig's head with carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms? It's silly, has nothing to do with the plot, but I enjoy it. I think if the food selection dialog would (a) know about the food in the stash, and (b) break down stacks automatically so it doesn't burn through food excessively just because stuff is stacked, people who don't want to deal with won't have to deal with it, but people who want to micromanage it for kicks have the option.
Joined: Oct 2020
I have trouble going to sleep when I'm hungry in real life, but in a game I find the whole idea and food in general pretty uninteresting. "Warrior needs food" is all I can think of whenever it crops up. Breath of the Wild was about the only game to ever make cooking feel like a minigame that I actually wanted to play. Perhaps if it was that, or if we could hunt or fish or gather in a meaningful way, but I don't see much of that here.
In BG1/2 there was no food, except maybe as a plot item. They had drinks at the rumor mill, and a state of drunkenness similar to exhaustion, but no "hunger" per se.
I can see it being atmospheric, like making a meal when camping is always sort of like that, but it wears pretty thin.
As a complete insomniac, finding food in order to sleep is like dark humor. The PCs might as well be questing for potions of liquid ambien or something lol. For all it adds on my end. It's only slightly less dumb than Warrior needs food=health.
I think random encounters, restricted rest zones and exhaustion would have been way more entertaining. Also dreams, which were a thing in BG1 especially. You know, basically the BG formula for resting. Not sure why they needed to depart from that, other than to give all the food icons a purpose for getting carried over from their last game.
I feel for whoever spent all that time lovingly drawing carrots and potatoes, filet of sole and whatnot, only to have that art completely ignored. But then again, it's like, maybe the time would have been better spent drawing up some new swords and helmets and such? I'm not really here for iron chef Faerun.
Last edited by Black_Elk; 16/08/21 08:42 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
As a complete insomniac, finding food in order to sleep is like dark humor. You do need to eat though. It's called long rest, so I always assumed there is more there going on then sleeping. I will take current food system, simply as to erase unending source of healing via food that was in previous Early Accesses. Otehrwise, I have no strong feeling on the matter.
Joined: Aug 2021
I like the supply system because it limits long rests, which is very important for class balance. However, I still find that long rests are effectively unlimited because there is TONS of food in containers everywhere. It isn't fun to click every container to hoard food, but the current system encourages this.
To fix this problem, why not make camp supplies come from combat instead of from containers? You could greatly reduce the amount of food in containers, and make most food be dropped by enemies. This would allow you to fine-tune how many encounters there are between long rests. Stealth players wouldn't be left out either, as they could pickpocket food.
Last edited by polliwagwhirl; 17/08/21 05:57 AM.
Joined: Jan 2014
To me it just feels like a chore--and I have enough of those in real life. The original BGs allowed resting as needed, with only the occasional random encounter as a deterrent. I really don't think this was the way to diverge from the earlier games. I'm not seeing the fun at all. With concentration, disadvantage, and random failure already limiting the effectiveness of casters who need to prepare spells, I don't see at will resting as a problem. The interruption caused by camping is a sufficient deterrent. Edit: because typing is hard  Game yes. But it still don't make sense. You don't have another 8 hour rest after 10 minutes of fighting after just having completed an 8 hour rest.
Joined: Jan 2014
Camp supplies are good but WAY too plentiful. You should have to scour places to get barely enough for maybe one feed or else spend a significant amount of gold to afford the ability to get at least one long rest. Perhaps for those players that need easy mode, they can have the current iteration but otherwise it's ridiculous to be able to rest as often as players often want to.
Joined: Jan 2014
The system is way too forgiving and exceedingly generous with the resources required, but if nothing else its very introduction contributed to get rid of the festering wound that was having food as a healing source.
I have honestly no idea of how anyone could genuinely feel “restricted” by the current implementation of supplies and rhe complaint about the TRIVIAL inconvenience of having to occasionally do a five seconds detour to your stash to pick up something you send there (IF you weren’t bright enough to keep sufficient food on yourselves for a single rest) are honestly a bit ridiculous.
You even have a fucking counter in the corner of your inventory telling you at any given time exactly how many supplies you are carrying, so it takes almost active effort to be taken by surprise. +10
Joined: Jan 2014
The system is way too forgiving and exceedingly generous with the resources required, but if nothing else its very introduction contributed to get rid of the festering wound that was having food as a healing source.
I have honestly no idea of how anyone could genuinely feel “restricted” by the current implementation of supplies and rhe complaint about the TRIVIAL inconvenience of having to occasionally do a five seconds detour to your stash to pick up something you send there (IF you weren’t bright enough to keep sufficient food on yourselves for a single rest) are honestly a bit ridiculous.
You even have a fucking counter in the corner of your inventory telling you at any given time exactly how many supplies you are carrying, so it takes almost active effort to be taken by surprise. Consider the amount of completely pointless clicks you do over a the span of a game in order to pick up all the foodstuffs and then have them sent to camp to avoid carrying a whole bunch of pointless weight around with low strength characters and then having the right amount of supplies picked up when you get back to camp. Yes, one can do this much easier when one has played through the EA a few times and know pretty much exactly what you need and what you can leave behind, and how to exploit everything, and how much money you're going to need, and what heavy loot you really don't have to bother with because you might as well just save-scum and pickpocket the merchants for money. Sure. I agree. But for someone who hasn't built that knowledge, who cannot metagame quite that much, it adds up to quite a lot of completely pointless clicking that serves no real purpose whatsoever. It would be a lot better, I think, if camp supplies was an abstract resource that got handled behind the scenes, and whenever we pick up the foodstuffs, the supplies counter goes up, the item disappears, and utterly meaningless player hassle is kept to a minimum. To be extremely blunt, having to pick up and inventory manage food is really not adding any value whatsoever to the game. Taking healing away from food is good, but making players mess around with food items to sleep is forcing players to play inventory management rather than playing the core part of game. Did you not look at the weight of items and their gold value? And then do some simple math like "If this thing weighs 0.1lb and is worth 1g and this is 0.9lbs and worth 30g then the 2nd item is more than 3 times the value per weight of the first item".
Joined: Jan 2014
What I find absurd about the complain is that micro-management was NOT increased with the last update. The supply system is mostly automated, moving outside of the automated process takes a couple of clicks.
Dulcis in fundo, you have LESS reasons than before to carry your food around, not more of them.
Where the hell is the "micro-management" exactly? Right clicking to send food to camp? That's optional and it was always there.
Not to mention the DELIRIOUS claims of people who say they feel "restricted" by this new system. Half way through Act 1 I had enough "supplies" saved up that could probably last me for the entire game (post-release), twice, and that's if I was being almost pornographically WASTEFUL with my food. You're a legend. +100
Joined: Jan 2014
What I find absurd about the complain is that micro-management was NOT increased with the last update. The supply system is mostly automated, moving outside of the automated process takes a couple of clicks.
Dulcis in fundo, you have LESS reasons than before to carry your food around, not more of them.
Where the hell is the "micro-management" exactly? Right clicking to send food to camp? That's optional and it was always there.
Not to mention the DELIRIOUS claims of people who say they feel "restricted" by this new system. Half way through Act 1 I had enough "supplies" saved up that could probably last me for the entire game (post-release), twice, and that's if I was being almost pornographically WASTEFUL with my food. Your tone is becoming rather hostile. Referring to other people's feelings as "delirious" is hardly going to make for a remotely constructive conversation, is it? Carrying food around takes weight in the inventory, and that weight is a precious resource now. Sending food items to camp is something you can do one item at a time, which is such a 90's style UI thing, and then every time you rest, you have to run off to your personal storage and pick some stuff up, and then send whatever you don't use back to camp afterwards. And of course you have to actually pick up all this junk for the sole purpose of having it in camp so you can rest. And if you don't do it then you can't rest effectively. Further, do consider that the supply of it doesn't explode unless you either pickpocket or raid either the gobbo camp or the risen road area. That's where the majority of the food happens to be. There's some in the broken village, a bit in the bandit camp in the temple, and not exactly huge amounts to be easily lifted from the druids. And obviously, once you know this, your stance towards camp supplies changes. Once you know this. In other words, to try and encourage people to "not cheese", we've just implemented a mechanic that rewards metagaming and thus cheesing. And even when you know what you should pick up and what you should leave, you still have to waste a bunch of times picking up all that junk, and what's actual the gain? How does it benefit my gameplay in any conceivable way to do that particular bit of clickety-clicking? The brutally honest answer is, it does not. The game is not in any way more fun for me because I have to pick up some useless junk to be able to rest, but every second I waste on it and every click I make to that extent is a second and a click that isn't spent on the part of the game that actually is rewarding. Not enough food? Dude, there is so much food in this game it's ridiculous. Absolutely ludicrous. If you're needing to use so much food, you'll definitely been keen for the easier difficulties because even with almost every party member in a "casterish" role, there is never a need to use that many spells that you have to rest more than maybe 4-5 times in the entire EA unless you're trying to trigger long rest dialogues or cut scenes.
Joined: Aug 2021
I think the current camp supplies mechanism is a good compromise.
Too many type of food ? No, it contributes to the immersion. Too much food everywhere ? Probably but you can sell your extra food so I don't see the issue here. Having to select the food to consume ? It is pretty immersive so no problem for me.
With the crafting feature, I expect to be able to prepare advanced food which will be more efficient as camp supplies than raw ingredients.
Camp supplies are supposed to limit the number of long rest. It is not a bad idea but due to the quantity of food which can be looted everywhere, it does not work right now.
As a big fan of survival/realistic mode, I should have prefered a hungry/thirsty/tiredness bar which decreases until giving you a debuff and force to you to eat/drink water/get rest. As an option or a mod because I know that all players don't like this way of playing.
As a remark, the tiredness bar seems to be already existing as hidden characteristic since I already got visual texts stating the character is exhausted. So, a trigger should already exist for that.
Last edited by Starblaireau; 24/08/21 09:13 AM. Reason: Something popped on my mind later ;)
Dans le doute, frappe ...
Joined: Aug 2021
I am not a fan of this change either. I have liked just about everything about the game so far.
Managing a food supply to camp though.. that is not fun.
This is one gameplay item I would like to be able to disable.