The simple answer, in regards to the game itself, is that the game display was not designed for, and is not equipped to handle accurate display of 5e spells at the moment.
The "attack/save:" field in a spell card in game just assumes that the spell will either be an attack roll, OR a saving throw, and does not account for spells that utilise both.
It's very hit and miss as to whether a particular spell card tells you anything else in regad to extra saves, and so on; some do, some don't, and in general, unless you already know the spells and abilities you're using, they are not, at present, very helpful for a new player.
For something like Searing Smite, for example: You make an attack roll to hit, and if you hit, the target should immediately take extra damage from the spell, without any further save (you checked against their AC with the attack roll)... so the game lists it as an attack roll spell. On subsequent turns, they get to make a save (A con save; this will be a roll, plus or minus their con modifier, and will add their proficiency bonus as well if they are proficient in con saves. From a player perspective, you generally won't know what saves a creature is proficient with, but you can make good guesses about their raw ability modifiers), to stop being on fire and avoid further on-going damage; that save will be against your DC, which for Tiefling racial spells is governed by your Charisma.
The issue right now is that the UI and display information they're using was not designed to play nice with 5e spells, or with them in mind at all, and it's not set up to properly convey their details in many cases. This will, it is to be hoped, improve somewhere down the line - but bringing up threads like this, and sending reports to Larian about your difficulties understanding, will help them get on the right track.
Last edited by Niara; 12/08/21 12:08 AM.