Joined: Aug 2014
What's everyone's thoughts on throwing potions?
For those who haven't used the feature, you can throw a healing potion at someone to heal them. So everyone can revive a downed companion from a distance.
Personally, I think the concept of smashing a potion into someone's armor is really dumb. It also steals Healing Word's niche of healing from a distance and turns it into a gimmick anyone can do. I think you should be able to administer a potion to revive a downed companion, but by pouring it down their throat rather than throwing it on their back. Characters with better mobility (Rogues, Monks) and teleport or jump skills (spellcasters, Amulet of Misty Step) would make for great combat medics. Letting everyone be a heal bomber just makes tactics like this obsolete. When Larian are letting everyone do everything, they are actually reducing tactical depth rather than increasing it.
Technically, the thrown potion leaves behind a permanent cloud that disappears after someone "uses" it. Same with all other potions like Fire Resistance, Haste etc. With Throw you can buff others with anything. And it never misses even if it misses. The whole thing just seems like it belongs in an action RPG like Diablo and not in a D&D game.
I'd like it more if you could use Throw to transfer potions to a team mate's inventory and they would still have to drink it. Downed companions should be much harder to get back up.
Joined: Jul 2014
Eh, can't say I particularly mind it. If they remove it because they decide "it's not canonical" I wouldn't complain, but its existence doesn't really bother me.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I am mixed on it. On one hand its useful and is an interesting way to "heal" or apply buffs to party members. On the other hand it isn't RAW and it does break immersion a little. Ultimately, I am fine with it either being there or gone. If it is there I might use it, if its not I won't really miss it. Guess thats closer to neutral than mixed but eh.
Last edited by CJMPinger; 16/08/21 03:53 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Overall, not too concerned as you are able to give others potions RAW, but I don't think it's the most intuitive way of providing someone else a potion. Hopefully they implement this as a menu option in the inventory screen or a pop-up menu on the hotbar. I feel Solasta does this pretty well.
Joined: Feb 2020
Thoughts : ridiculous.
In my patch 5 playthrough a lot of ennemies use it to cure their ally. The result was that the healing surface often healed more than one ennemy.
This whole mechanic is a shame and it looks completely silly. Once again, the game wants to be serious and mature but it has ridiculous gameplay element because "it's fun".
But it's not fun at all... It's just another thing that break the immersion for the sake of it and that does not add anything interresting in the gameplay.
Being able to give a potion to someone would be cool. Throw it in someone's head or walking on a surface to heal is stupid.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 16/08/21 06:12 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Oh yeah, while I'm not so adamant against the throwing thing, I DO think at very least the surface stuff should go.
Joined: Aug 2014
And could thrown items and ranged weapons sometimes actually miss when they miss?
Everything always hits the target even if they miss. Which means bombs, AoE arrows and these "healing clouds" or "haste clouds" can be used with surgical precision even if you have 3 Dexterity and Disadvantage on the roll.
Larian's homebrew never plays by D&D rules at all, that's why it's always OP. Don't they understand how attacks and saving throws work? EA has been out for a year and still we have all this silly OP nonsense on top of actual D&D.
Last edited by 1varangian; 16/08/21 07:55 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
I generally speaking a fan of systemic stuff like that, but didn't find it terribly exciting in BG3 - mostly because unlike in "Immersive Sim" genre those don't make much sense as of now. I am not offended by it's existence and generally I am not using this, but I was midly amuse when I was able to heal wounded druid by throwing a potion at him (also got minus reputation with him for throwing something at him?).
Joined: Oct 2020
CRPG games have done a lot to make healing a bit easier. Reference the healing kits in NWN. So I don't mind this at all, either.
Joined: May 2021
Throwing healing potions + being able to give anyone a potion anytime on the battlefield via magical inventory = a little cheesy imho.
Still feel like healing classes are pretty useless, even with food no longer healing.
Joined: Oct 2020
I will have to try throwing haste potions next time!!!
I also like using healing spells but would like more companions who can heal.
Joined: Oct 2020
not a fan for reasons that op states - mainly throwing potions to heal companions infringes on other class roles/abilities, not to mention it also doesnt reflect RAW which indicates using a potion is an action where you actually drink the potion.
i know bonus action for using a healing potion is a common homebrew which i could get behind, but chucking a potion to heal an ally is just foolish. so much so that ppl in these very forums were posting gifs of ppl getting smashed in the head with glass bottles which doesnt sound very restorative to me lol.
also i would be worried as to how larian implements/balances it in game - not a fan of enemies using this functionality or the continued use of surface effects with potions/consumables. and will larian implement any rolls associated with throwing potions/consumables in general or just auto-success - seems a little too powerful.
Joined: Jun 2020
I'm personally not a fan of "Everyone has unlimited ranged healing".
Joined: Aug 2014
CRPG games have done a lot to make healing a bit easier. Reference the healing kits in NWN. So I don't mind this at all, either. We have 2x Short Rests that heal a ton of HP for the entire party now. Fighters get 3x Second Wind between long rests. Other classes have healing abilities too. I don't think we need weird potion throwing healing cloud gimmicks on top of that. From a tactical combat point of view, downing a character should have much more weight so it's something you avoid at all costs. Now it's next to meaningless and can actually be exploited since PC's who go gown can be massive damage sponges with little or no risk of dying. Just use "Help" or throw a potion at them and they're back in the fight at full capacity, over and over again. It's too easy and cheesy.
Last edited by 1varangian; 17/08/21 08:32 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I kinda liked throwing potions ... And no, its not just about healing ... sleep potion, poison, resistance potions ... it all have its perks, when thrown.
Sadly after last patch 95% of my potions breaks in middle of the flight for some object that shown trajectory was clearly missing. -_- So, i presume there is some problem with textures. :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Aug 2014
I kinda liked throwing potions ... And no, its not just about healing ... sleep potion, poison, resistance potions ... it all have its perks, when thrown.
Sadly after last patch 95% of my potions breaks in middle of the flight for some object that shown trajectory was clearly missing. -_- So, i presume there is some problem with textures. :-/ I like bombs too. But I think there should be a distinction between bombs and potions that you drink. And I still think the game would be more tactical without cheap healing bombs.
Joined: Oct 2020
I cant help the feeling that i was there before ... But il ask again ... how exactly does existence of possibility to throw a potion eliminate posibility to make any tactic choice you would make if possibility to throw a potion was not there?
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
I cant help the feeling that i was there before ... But il ask again ... how exactly does existence of possibility to throw a potion eliminate posibility to make any tactic choice you would make if possibility to throw a potion was not there? If enemies use that tactic. Without it you focus on their healer first and make sure he cannot heal his companions. Then you target the rest. If anyone with a Healing Potion can heal their allies, battles become much less predictable or in other words an RNG feast where you hope to land more hits in a row than the enemiy to kill them before they heal again...
Last edited by Zorax; 17/08/21 02:43 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
I cant help the feeling that i was there before ... But il ask again ... how exactly does existence of possibility to throw a potion eliminate posibility to make any tactic choice you would make if possibility to throw a potion was not there? If enemies use that tactic. Without it you focus on their healer first and make sure he cannot heal his companions. Then you target the rest. If anyone with a Healing Potion can heal their allies, battles become much less predictable or in other words an RNG feast where you hope to land more hits in a row than the enemiy to kill them before they heal again... Yes but I also like the idea of getting away from set roles for players and tired worn out tactical patterns that must be adhered to. Not only do players no longer need a dedicated healer but any player or enemy can provide a limited amount of much needed healing should someone be unceremoniously downed. It shakes things up nicely and allows battles to become MUCH more chaotic and surprising. Chaos is a good thing, predictable is a bad thing when it comes to making a fight interesting.
Joined: Aug 2014
I cant help the feeling that i was there before ... But il ask again ... how exactly does existence of possibility to throw a potion eliminate posibility to make any tactic choice you would make if possibility to throw a potion was not there? If enemies use that tactic. Without it you focus on their healer first and make sure he cannot heal his companions. Then you target the rest. If anyone with a Healing Potion can heal their allies, battles become much less predictable or in other words an RNG feast where you hope to land more hits in a row than the enemiy to kill them before they heal again... That and the fact that D&D is a party and CLASS based tactical combat system. It's a choice to include a Cleric or Druid in the party for the abilities they have i.e. healing spells. But that choice is no longer relevant when everyone can be a ranged heal bot by chucking healing cloud bombs that used to be potions.