Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Joined: Feb 2018
Hello everyone, We are happy to announce Patch 6 is now available on Stadia! But that's not all: Today, we have a fresh hotfix for you too. In our previous patch, it turns out Lae’zel wasn’t romanceable regardless of her approval rating. There’s probably a life lesson in that. But this isn’t ‘Larian’s Dating Advice Column’ - although we feel like given the nature of some of your fan art, a dating simulator with our most popular characters wouldn’t go amiss. Or at least a tapestry. Anyone know any good tapestry makers? As ever, a sincere thank-you to those of you that took the time to report these issues to us via our support team and by your posts on all our social channels. Everything you send us is super helpful - and always welcome. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3 - and to the Reddit user that created this masterpiece - we see you, and love you. The Stadia version of this hotfix is currently in the process of being rolled out, and should be with you all shortly. We'll post a Tweet once it's confirmed live. - Fixed issue preventing romance with Lae’zel regardless of your approval rating.
- Characters no longer walk around causing Bludgeoning damage to everyone around them.
- AI now use their full arsenal of spells and items during combat.
- Fixed crash that would occur during a saving throw if an item was equipped that improved your proficiency in an ability.
- Character portraits now display correctly in the Twitch Extension during multiplayer.
- Triggering Wild Magic: Turn Magic no longer skips your turn in FTB or combat.
- Optimised performance for Stadia players.
- Fixed shields from disappearing at the start of sheath animation.
- AI no longer take Attacks of Opportunity when they shouldn’t.
- Nere’s Shield of Screams now automatically activates as soon as he enters combat, and lasts for the duration of the fight.
- Performance drop during cinematic dialogue at the Tiefling Den is no more.
- Fixed rare crash that occurred when previewing a jump.
- A black square no longer appears in the middle of the screen when crossing the bridge to the Blighted Village with NPOT resolution and lensflare enabled.
Last edited by Dom_Larian; 28/10/21 06:02 PM.
Joined: Oct 2021
Stadia version - like patch 6? Or just these fixes absent of patch 6?
Joined: Feb 2020
It makes absolutely no sense to think that they are rolling out a Hotfix for an outdated version that's currently on Stadia.
It's most certainly Patch 6.
Joined: Oct 2021
I would agree, except it also makes no sense that this is even a question at this point so I don't put anything past this bungled release. Hopefully you are right.
Joined: Feb 2020
OH and...Yay! Thanks! and lastly...Finally! ;-)
I can't imagine they could implement the same Hotfix for Patch 5 as Patch 6...I don't think it works that way.
Joined: Oct 2021
They very well could but I would really hope they don't. This is the danger with this release model, in that there's significant overhead rebasing the stadia port branch onto new hotfixes, which slows it down even further. Really wish they'd have just waited until they're all ready to begin shipping new code. Of course we have no idea since there is no communication.
Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Joined: Feb 2018
Yup, Patch 6, complete with hotfixes, is live on Stadia. Thank you for your patience 
Last edited by Dom_Larian; 28/10/21 06:00 PM.
Joined: Apr 2021
@Dom_Larian maybe sticky this thread? 
Joined: Oct 2021
Thanks Dom, really looking forward to it and appreciate the response.
Joined: Oct 2021
Alas, this patch is not for Mac users with M1 
Joined: Oct 2021
Woohoo! Finally... Wait... We got it before M1? Wow. I had that one backwards. Thank you very much... Still would have been nice to have an update prior to "here it is!"
Joined: Feb 2020
Hell yes! Can't wait to try it out!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Last edited by iBowfish; 28/10/21 08:03 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
Hey, did you guys fix the Salami issue? I want to be able to see my Salami when I am wielding it.
Also Shovel is not triggering dialogue.
Joined: Feb 2021
What about the "I didn't steal anything but am accused of stealing" issue?
Joined: Oct 2021
Giving up on BG3. Uninstalled (for the last time) and requested refund. Since Hotfix 15 (back in August), BG3 has failed to launch. Game crashes on launch (same place every time), about 25% of load meter, with Shadowheart’s background picture, with an ‘application hang’ error. I am on a PC (Dell/Alienware) using Steam. I have been communicating with tech support (several email exchanges) and have gone through the various support technical issues. Tried uninstall/re-install, validated flies, update drivers, uninstall and reinstall drivers, no other programs running, Vulcan and direct X updated, launching from exe, admin from exe, modifying exe, changing folder names, deleting files, changed drives, and even updated to Windows 11…but nothing has worked! Never had so much frustration from a game before.
Joined: Dec 2020
What about the "I didn't steal anything but am accused of stealing" issue? I was about to ask that. The most annoying bug doesn't get adressed again. Pleased fix the accused of stealing situation with vendors. It's impossible to sell stuff atm without getting accused at least once.
Last edited by fylimar; 30/10/21 07:43 AM. Reason: Typo
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
Sweet. Can't wait to check it out.
Joined: Oct 2021
I don't see anything related to the saves eating items either so I will explain, just in case... [edit :] tested with the new patch, my items are still being eaten...
when saving, all items revert to the "stats" property of their root template, it was just a fun property that would make some hastly modded items change... until someone asked why his robe of summer was now like a regular robe and, after checking, the root template used for the robe of summer lacks the "stats" property so it inherits the one of the regular robe which is its parent template. so... don't save with this robe either in your inventory or in a merchant's because it will revert to some fancy yet regular robe.
Last edited by auriejir; 30/10/21 12:42 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hey, did you guys fix the Salami issue? I want to be able to see my Salami when I am wielding it.
Also Shovel is not triggering dialogue. +1 for Shovel
Joined: Jan 2020
What about the "I didn't steal anything but am accused of stealing" issue? I was about to ask that. The most annoying bug doesn't get adressed again. Pleased fix the accused of stealing situation with vendors. It's impossible to sell stuff atm without getting accused at least once. I'd never really had this issue before, but with patch 6 the druid vendor started accusing me of stealing; maybe I unwittingly clicked on some of the "red" containers surrounding him, but I certainly did not take any content. After a while he stopped, but now I have the senile dwarf ( trader's husband ) in the Unerdark Myconid colony constantly accusing S'Heart of vandalism. This is fair enough, I suppose, since she smashed all the crystals inside the "reward" enclave containing the Drow wizard, but anything in that area was supposed to be mine ( ALL mine, Bwahahaha! ), so it doesn;t make sense either. I think, probably, Larian's criminal justice system is not very sophisticated, and needs some work!