Joined: Oct 2020
Hello Larian Studios! I finished the EA a couple of times and Swen finally convinced me of coming here to give my feedback!
First, I love patch 6 it is amazing! I've been playing it every day, and I can't hide my admiration for Swen and Larian, you guys are amazing! Thank you for working on turn-based games. I divided my thoughts on the game so we have an organized way of sorting through the list.
HUD: - Organization: The right side of the bar(right side of the portrait) is a huge mess. And I get it, I've played divinity you guys like giving the organization to the players, but please give us the option to sort through our spells in levels. Example: Cantrip Button: Opens up all cantrips. Lv 1 Button: Opens up all lv 1 prepared Spells (and rituals for wizards, I'll discuss this further below) Lv 2 Button: Open up all Lv 2 and Lv 1 that can be upscaled. (This would actually solve some monstrosities like Chromatic Orb.)
MECHs: - Spells: Spell Lists: This is rather simple, stick to the accurate thing on D&D 5E. Wizards Scribe: Is broken, we should not be allowed to scribe spells that are not from our spell list, this may actually "break" the game in later levels. Spellbooks: Give them to us, please! They are so important to wizards, the relationship with them is symbiotic and adds much to the flavor of the class, also the ability to switch in between them is useful and adds to strategy. Ritual Casting: I do not understand why wizards can't ritual cast unprepared spells, and some other classes can. Scroll Crafting: This is a suggestion for the future, being able to craft spell scrolls is amazing. Find Familiar: Ok this might be a big one. Find Familiar is not a "Find a pet spell" This one needs a serious rework. I won't go into details for FF on D&D5e cause I'm sure the implementation team read it, but familiars are friends and we should be able to interact, also help action would be absurdly useful out of combat. Summoned Objects: These should not have their own turns and actions. (Flaming Sphere, Mage Hand)
- Movement: Strange Moving: It doesn't happen all the time but sometimes when I click to move my character it takes the most absurd and nonstandard path through the destination, at the first time is funny. Flight: So, some animals can fly, but not really, which made me worry about how you're going to implement it in the future with spells and magic items, cause flying isn't jumping high.
- Bonus Actions, and Reactions: Shove Action: Being able to push and attack the same turn does not make any sense, especially for Battle Master Fighter, I suggest you guys change it to action instead of bonus action. Off-hand Attack: This should be optional, I know you guys have the button on the character sheet, but as soon as you hit with and attack the character just goes and attacks with it, not leaving options for the bonus action use. Reactions and Pop-ups: This is also for the future, but you guys must consider doing pop-up requests, in the future, we are going to have Paladins(I hope!) and they have the most strange mech when using your smite, I want to see how you guys are going to handle it if you're not going for the pop-ups.
The Halsin Problem: So ah... Halsin an Archdruid of the Forgotten Realms got captured by a bunch of goblins? That's hard to believe... In Faerun, an Archdruid would be much stronger than Halsin with lv going to 10-12 minimum... But I understand that this would not add much to the game as a whole, but still is a good thing to consider, is the Forgotten Realms world being accurately adapted into BG3?
Who is Tav: Really like Gustav, my name is Gustavo lol, but that's not my point with this topic! When I say "Who is Tav?" I mean, who is he compared to these companions that he has, they are all BIG, they have strong background stories and some of them are actually hard to believe. But Tav doesn't have anything to tell despite being a Baldurian, I think we need more options when choosing our backgrounds, to customize the character in a way that makes it feel unique.
Baldurs Gate 3 is a good game, but I think it has the potential to be the best turn-based game, and the best D&D-based game. The story is intriguing and well-written, and I can't wait to see the finished product!
Thank you Larian for giving us this game I love it already on the Early Access! And thank you for listening to your fans, it means a lot. <3 With love Gustavo, a random Tav.
Last edited by Darrian; 08/11/21 05:36 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Hello, I'm a Gustav too! Good feedback I think. Off-hand Attack: This should be optional, I know you guys have the button on the character sheet, but as soon as you hit with and attack the character just goes and attacks with it, not leaving options for the bonus action use. I am not 100% certain this is what it does, but when I was dual-wielding I noticed there was a small selection toggle under the melee/ranged selection icons on the hotbar. And I don't think I tested it, but for some reason it gave me impression that it toggled whether you automatically used your bonus action to off-hand attack along with the regular attack.
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Oct 2020
OMG, ty for that reply Gustav! I didn't notice the toggle, sooooooo tiny hahahah
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 To everything, defninietly ... And now few notes: please give us the option to sort through our spells in levels. I just highlight the most important part ... no argue to see here, move along.  The Halsin Problem: So ah... Halsin an Archdruid of the Forgotten Realms got captured by a bunch of goblins? That's hard to believe... In Faerun, an Archdruid would be much stronger than Halsin with lv going to 10-12 minimum... But I understand that this would not add much to the game as a whole, but still is a good thing to consider, is the Forgotten Realms world being accurately adapted into BG3? That is the thing ... Even tho many people for some reason presumed that Halsin is "Archdruid" he is not and never claimed otherwise.  He is just leader of this specific Grove ... i would say that to make Halsin work as "first Druid" (wich is his actual title) we need to aply rule: In the land of blind one-eyed man is the king.  Who is Tav: Really like Gustav, my name is Gustavo lol, but that's not my point with this topic! When I say "Who is Tav?" I mean, who is he compared to these companions that he has, they are all BIG, they have strong background stories and some of them are actually hard to believe. But Tav doesn't have anything to tell despite being a Baldurian, I think we need more options when choosing our backgrounds, to customize the character in a way that makes it feel unique. That is the best part ... Tav is blank page, since Tav is litteraly whatever you want him or her to be. 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 08/11/21 07:07 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jul 2021
Darrian, just want to say thank you for prefacing your proposals for improvement by positive feedback about the game. It's something I wish more people did, as it is important to recognize things that are good at least as much as things that could be improved. I agree with all your feedback except for the grouped cantrips button, as I fear it would not allow to add a keyboard shortcut, and I use keyboard shortcuts for cantrips a lot  . It's a delicate balance to strike between people who like messy bars and those who like a cleaner interface. Thanks again !
Joined: Oct 2021
“Who is Tav?” Good question. My characters in EA are all “Tavyn” with a unique last name to fit their race, class, background. I like that Larian implemented some background specific rewards to acknowledge that you are a Noble or Acolyte or Urchin or whatever. But I also wish that there was more to your character that was acknowledged in the game. Nothing compares to the backstory in BG1 of being an orphan and slowly learning your consequential background throughout the game(s). But how do you do that while keeping open the infinite options for a player to imagine their own backstory for roleplaying? It would be really difficult, but if someone could figure it out, it would be really cool. I suspect that the answer will be found when we can play as one of the origin characters. If you want to play as a character with an incredibly filled out backstory, play as one of the origin characters. If you want to play as your own unique character with your own imagined backstory, create your own character. I get that and it is a good solution. Just wish there was something a little better to make your own created character more tied into a role in the game world.
Joined: Oct 2020
tav (ter attentie van): attention of tav (ten aanzien van): with regard to
You know, in Dutch lol
Joined: Oct 2020
Great feedback! I agree with pretty much all of this, although hopefully some of the mechanical stuff is worked on during EA.
I think the OP's suggestions on UI is a good middle ground on cleaning up the interface. I know I will play this quite a bit after EA, but the messy UI was probably my biggest complaint for DOS2.
As for Halsen being captured, there could be story reasons why that we haven't seen yet. My personal ideas are being captured on purpose to learn more about The Absolute or being surprised by the powers of The Absolute's chosen.
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't agree with the spell flyouts by level. Many spells, like chromatic orb and hex, would still need their own. There's too many spells you can have and it just makes it awkward and looks like trash. I agree there's not enough hotbar space for them all, but there's got to be a better way than nested flyout menus.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hey everyone! Ty all for the feedback on my feedback! You're all appreciated <3 “Who is Tav?” Good question. My characters in EA are all “Tavyn” with a unique last name to fit their race, class, background. I like that Larian implemented some background specific rewards to acknowledge that you are a Noble or Acolyte or Urchin or whatever. But I also wish that there was more to your character that was acknowledged in the game. Nothing compares to the backstory in BG1 of being an orphan and slowly learning your consequential background throughout the game(s). But how do you do that while keeping open the infinite options for a player to imagine their own backstory for roleplaying? It would be really difficult, but if someone could figure it out, it would be really cool. I suspect that the answer will be found when we can play as one of the origin characters. If you want to play as a character with an incredibly filled out backstory, play as one of the origin characters. If you want to play as your own unique character with your own imagined backstory, create your own character. I get that and it is a good solution. Just wish there was something a little better to make your own created character more tied into a role in the game world. Even though I agree with that, and I also like Tav being a "White Sheet" I have seen better solutions than what we have with ingame and I'm pretty sure we did. Games like DA:O and DAI have awesome history-driven narratives with a good solution to bring interest in who we are, they are not as open as BG3 is though. In the end, I feel that Tavs backstory needs more epicness, something that we could delve into and be surprised about and at the same time have a small amount of interference with what we chose to him/her(More dialog options for ex). Darrian, just want to say thank you for prefacing your proposals for improvement by positive feedback about the game. It's something I wish more people did, as it is important to recognize things that are good at least as much as things that could be improved. Thank you, I also have the same feeling! I agree with all your feedback except for the grouped cantrips button, as I fear it would not allow to add a keyboard shortcut, and I use keyboard shortcuts for cantrips a lot  . It's a delicate balance to strike between people who like messy bars and those who like a cleaner interface. Thanks again ! I honestly didn't think about that, hahaha, I'm just a clicker for life in this game, even if some of my cantrips are on shortcuts I still click them! lol, But You know... Larian Studios are the masters of customizing everything, maybe we could get both ways of doing it! As for Halsen being captured, there could be story reasons why that we haven't seen yet. My personal ideas are being captured on purpose to learn more about The Absolute or being surprised by the powers of The Absolute's chosen. The Halsin Problem: So ah... Halsin an Archdruid of the Forgotten Realms got captured by a bunch of goblins? That's hard to believe... In Faerun, an Archdruid would be much stronger than Halsin with lv going to 10-12 minimum... But I understand that this would not add much to the game as a whole, but still is a good thing to consider, is the Forgotten Realms world being accurately adapted into BG3? That is the thing ... Even tho many people for some reason presumed that Halsin is "Archdruid" he is not and never claimed otherwise.  He is just leader of this specific Grove ... i would say that to make Halsin work as "first Druid" (wich is his actual title) we need to aply rule: In the land of blind one-eyed man is the king.  Hey guys! I didn't notice that detail actually, even though I think when you're first druid you are Archdruid, and yes, so many people had the same thinking about him, he is quoted as Archdruid in every Wikia I could find. But still does not fit my mind for Faeruns ways of dealing with characters like him, but yea, as RimeSword said, may there's more to it that we still don't know. Also, guys, I'm not a native English speaker, nor writer as you can tell! So please be patient with me :P