In Pegasus Mail, there is an Easter Egg : The Joke Page.
It's located in the Program's Help.
Nowadays - meaning PMail 4 - it seems no more to be easily accessible from within the Help Function - one had to explicitely search for it, which doesn't seem to work now.
So, here it is : The famous Pegasus Mail Joke Page by David Harris ! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Congratulations! You found the joke page.
Software developers are curious, stunted individuals with massive egos and towering (and usually wildly inflated) opinions of their own worth and ability... Pegasus Mail's author realises that he's probably no different from any other software developer in this regard. Accordingly, he has indulged himself outrageously by burying this completely pointless page in the help file to see if anyone finds it.
Your reward for enduring this string of platitudes and pointless observations is a short selection of some of my favourite quotable quotes -- you might like to use some of these in your variable signature, or, you might not... <grin>. Warning in advance - some of these quotes are probably not very politically correct, so if you're a pious or self-righteous person, you should probably stop reading this screen right now and return to your mail.
Philosopher (n): a blind person in a dark room looking for a black hat that is not there.
Garden (n): a thing of beauty and a job forever.
Erotic (adj): using a feather as a sex aid.
Kinky (adj): using the whole duck.
Newspaper glitches
"Ghana is to change over to driving on the right.
The change will be made gradually."
"Police recover stolen hamster, arrest 3."
"Bush orders Army troops to U.S. Virgins."
Quotes from famous people
"Wagner's music is better than it sounds."
-- Mark Twain.
"Each time a New Zealander leaves for Australia the IQ of both countries goes up."
-- Rob Muldoon
"It's not the men in my life that count; it's the life in my men."
-- Mae West
Signs seen around the world
"Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts."
-- Seen in a Tokyo bar
"Stop: drive sideways."
-- Detour sign seen in Kyushi, Japan
"Our wines leave you nothing to hope for."
-- Seen on the menu of a Swiss Restaurant
"Salad a firm's own make; limpid red beet soup with cheesy dumplings in the form of a finger; roasted duck let loose; beef rashers beaten up in the country people's fashion."
-- Seen on the menu of a Polish hotel
And finally
Remember, even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat...
Pegasus Mail System