Taoism : [nocando] happens. Confucianism : Confucius says, [nocando] happens. Buddhism : [nocando] happening is an illusion. Zen : What is the sound of [nocando] happening? Islam: [nocando] happening is the will of Allah. Catholecism : If [nocando] happens, you deserve it. Protestantism : Let [nocando] happen to someone else. Judaism : Why does [nocando] always happen to us? Calvinism : [nocando] happens because you don't work hard enough. Christian Sciene : If [nocando] happens, pray and it will go away. Mormonism : If [nocando] happens, [nocando] it! Hinduism : That [nocando] has happened before. Hare Krishna : [nocando] happens, [nocando] happens, [nocando], [nocando], happens, happens. Atheism : [nocando] happens for no reason at all. Agnostic : Maybe [nocando] happens, maybe it doesn't. Stoicism : So [nocando] happens, I can take it. Paganism : [nocando] is a part of the Goddess too. Jehova's wittness : Let us in and we'll tell you why [nocando] happens. Scientology : Join a course and you'll know why [nocando] happens. Rastafarianism : Let's smoke this [nocando] and see what happens. Laotseism : The [nocando] that can be described is not the absolute [nocando]. Oshoism : If you don't see [nocando] in my eyes, in my gesture and in my silence, you will never find it in my words. Byronkatiesm : What would you be without that [nocando]? Bachism : If you give a few drops of this [nocando] in a bottle and take it four times daily, you are able to better bear all the other [nocando]. Yoganandaism : Always concentrate on the [nocando] on the top of your head Rumiism : Love that [nocando]. Freudism : Let's talk about your [nocando] since childhood. Papajism : There is no [nocando]. Satsangism : Damned, why don't [nocando] understand that [nocando] already is that [nocando]?! Tatrism : Breath deeply into the [nocando]. Avatarism : I am the source of all this [nocando]. Astrologism : Tell me your birthdate and I tell you the exactly second when your mothers aunt will have her next [nocando]. Sannyaism : The [nocando] of my master tastes better than yours. Yogism : Press your [nocando] and keep it inside. Vipassanaism : Watch that [nocando], passing your body, as it naturally flows.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch