A short time ago, a local restaurant hired an efficiency expert
for advice on how to better run its business. A consultant came in, and
for a few days, followed everybody around with a stop watch. He then
submitted his recommendations for doing things better and faster some of
which were adopted by management.
On my next visit, I asked one of the waiters what changes had
been made, if any.
"Well." he said, "you see these two spoons in my breast pocket?
The consultant said I should always carry them with me. So whenever a
customer asks for another bread roll, I don't first have to run back to
the kitchen for a pair of tongs.
For sanitary reasons, you know, we are never supposed to touch
the food with our bare hands. So now, whenever a customer wants more
bread, I just use these two spoons to transfer a roll from the bread
tray to his plate.
By just doing this, the consultant says I can save as many as 19
minutes in every eight-hour shift."
"Remarkable." I said, "What else did he recommend?"
"Well," the waiter said, pointing to one of his belt loops, "you
see this string? One end is tied to my belt loop, here, and the other
end goes into the fly of my trousers. For sanitary reasons, you know, we
are supposed to always wash our hands after using the rest room. But the
consultant was very distressed at how much time all the waiters spent
washing their hands everyday. So now, whenever I visit the men's room, I
open my fly, and pull on this string, the other end of which is tied to
my penis. That way, my hands don't touch anything that requires them to
be washed. The consultant says we can save 47 minutes everyday if all
the waiters follow this new practice."
"Very impressive indeed," I said. "But I'm curious about one
thing. Once you use the string to pull it out, how do you get it back
into your pants?"
"Well, you know, I really haven't any idea how the other guys
handle this. But here's what I do." he said, lowering his voice to a
conspiratorial whisper. "You see these two spoons in my breast

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.