hey shyon!!! good 2 see u here again. it was just raze & i in your thread talking about anime movies & all that & i keep hoping that u'll pop in & tell us more of anime stuff.

do stick around will u? my aunt always tells me (when i'm wallowing with the pigs) that life always throws a curve ball at u. don't ask me what technically a curve ball is, it's american idiom & it's related to baseball. life is just unpredictable. when u think it's moving your way, that's when it's not. plain weird & i guess that makes life for each of us so unique, painful(insert your most frequent emotion) & yet precious.

don't give up hope yet. i was on the brink a few times but i bounced back. i forgot how abraham lincoln said it, no matter how life sucks(no, he obviously didn't use that word), in the end it's worth it & i have witnessed this.

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......a gift from LaFille......