I find it refreshing that DD isn't MP. Yes, there are one or two people I'd like to play it with, but frankly, what value would it serve? You'd either be competing over a limited supply of monsters (since monsters don't magically spring to life and repopulate "cleared" areas) or killing each other. That's all you can do in Diablo II, the supposed multiplayer paragon. That's all you do in most MUDs or MMORPGs, either. Just allowing people to join the same game does not a good MP experience make.

Frankly, if the only reason you want MP is to trade items between characters, you can do that by just copying item files back and forth. Enjoy the game with different characters -- that's all the enjoyment anybody ever can claim from D2, unless you like killing other players, in which case you just have the same tricked out sorceress that everybody else has.

You will rue the day you opposed me! Begin your rueing! I'll just... sit over here... and watch.