Asto Diablo2: you are pretty mistaken, diablo2 was THE game of this genre till now, and if you were good at it, which was EXTREMELY hard, u would get elite items that very very few could ever get in touch with, or create chars that were beyond divine, for pvp for instance. And not the mention the markettrading that went on FOR REAL !!! there were even people selling these so called ultra rare items for real money; can you belief that ?? just to demonstrate how furiously they were wanted.

Wow, there's so much wrong with that paragraph, I'm amazed. I'm not picking on you, I'm just a little floored by your praise of a game you admit you got bored by.

Getting good at Diablo 2: Hah. The reason so many builds were called "cookie cutter" was because they worked so well, everybody made them. S/S Berserk barbs. Multishot amazons. Nova sorceresses. They work so well in easy experience areas (cow level, bloody foothills) that all you had to do to become "good" (i.e., high level) was to milk these rich veins of exp.

Getting loot in Diablo 2: Double hah. There's a reason they call them 'Meph runz' or 'Pindle runz'. Kill the same, easy to slay monster over and over and hope for big cash prizes to fall out. People push over the same soft target repeatedly, letting the lottery be their guide. The most elite treasure had a % chance of falling out of monsters, and certain monsters gave you better odds. Gear up a character with magic find loot, and keep slaying until you either got the item, or got enough tradeable items to get it.

The market: Dupes. Dupes ruined the economy. The whole reason Diablo 2 was fun was generating good rare items; the uniques were interesting, but not viable. Once uniques surpassed even the best rare, there was no reason to use anything but these uniques. The best of them were duplicated in cheats to flood the market, and there went the economy. That people were paying actual money for a few bits and bytes of information just goes to show you that a fool and his money are soon parted.

Obsessive compulsive mining behavior is not the hallmark of excellence. It's a sad statement on how little it takes to get people to enjoy something.

You will rue the day you opposed me! Begin your rueing! I'll just... sit over here... and watch.