Actually, pretty much every multiplayer RPG turns out to be a real Action RPG with little role-playing. I've yet to find an mmorpg with _only_ role-players (or sometimes any at all). Not sure why actually. Even on role-play-servers, most people couldn't resist talking about football or the dinner they just had. Or the opposite were the people who were just playing extreme stereotypes... those can be funny for a few minutes but get boring and predictable fast.

So I think that if we want a role-playing game (with the stress on the role-playing, not on the action), some things will have to be changed or we'll need to see a totally different formula. Maybe it could help to actually give each co-operative player a role in the story-line (or let them choose it).

From far, from eve and morning and yon twelve-winded sky, the stuff of life to knit me blew hither: here am I. Now -for a breath I tarry nor yet disperse apart- take my hand quick and tell me, what have you in your heart.