Habe alles erledigt, aber leider fehlt mir noch der Orkmonolith und der Tatzelwurm. Wegen dem Monolithen werde ichs mal zwischen Liskor und Thoss versuchen, nachdem ich 10mal zwischen Felsteyn und Oberorken vergeblich gepilgert bin.

AHA! Ich sag's ja, der verschwindet manchmal einfach. Das selbe ist mir uebrigens neulich auch mit dem Raeuberlager zwischen Felsteyn und Orkanger passiert - die beinde Ueberfaelle fanden nach wie vor statt, aber das Lager war einfach futsch.


Enforcement of copyright

Abandonware's copyright is frequently no longer defended. This can be due to intentional non-enforcement by its owners due to the software's age or obsolescence, but sometimes because the corporate copyright holder went out of business without transferring ownership, leaving no one to defend the copyright. (Copyrights on works created by an individual become the property of that person's estate after his/her death.) Nevertheless, some companies vehemently defend their rights to old games from which they're no longer making profit.

Proponents of abandonware argue that it is more ethical to make copies of such software than new software that still sells. Some who are ignorant of copyright law have incorrectly taken this to mean that abandonware is legal to distribute, although no software is old enough for its copyrights to have expired, and even in cases where the original company no longer exists, the rights usually still belong to someone else.

Transfer of this software is still technically unlawful in most jurisdictions (except in cases of owner dissolution) as the copyright is still in effect. Abandonware changes hands based on the presumption that the time and money that a copyright holder would have to spend enforcing the copyright is greater than any money the holder would earn selling software licenses.

Last edited by TeraBlight; 06/06/06 07:22 PM.