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I thought about a new race, but then I changed my mind, I thought about more ways to get skill points without having to level up, perhaps scrolls which you can trade with mages to earn skill points from them?

And new weapons! Like warhammers, and slings!

New traps! Not only scorpion cages and spider mines, but now missiles, not homing missiles obviously, I will need more time to work out how they are set.

Perhaps ally hiring? Like in Diablo II (hiring allies really helped me, but I am not sure about DD2...Divine divinity is more of a one-character game, and that suited me)

Perhaps some short-time effect items, like speed items, which will make you run faster than if you have stamina, what the names are will be decided later.

Does anyone have anymore suggestions.

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I wouldn't do hiring. I'm a lone warrior.

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Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
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hiring will be a nice feature for DD2 as the game will have multiplayer aspect. imagine meeting in a town hall & then u post a calling for all players if they want to join u for a romp in the (name your hell). they'll name their price & based on their levels & skills, u pick one or more.

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@TheMightyOne u can already get warhammers. there are a selection on the table in geoffs (spelling) shop.

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I never saw warhammer/s in Geoffs shop.

How about razor disks for DD2 (which you can throw at enemies)

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how about a star wars galaxy/ever quest type game? where in multi-player has no ending. that's what i hate about multi player games... you do all this work for an inevitable end. if i put a lot of time into a character i want to continue using him forever. plus make new classes such as weapons smith, potion makers, house builders stuff like that. i know this will prolly never happen due to costs and time. but i am waiting for a game like star wars galaxy only set back in the day. and i love the idea for posting stuff on walls for group play. and what about employees in the game to give hints tips and help. and group spells for wizards. like you need a certain amount of wizards to do a spell. and the more wizards you have the more powerful group spell. with warriors the more you have obvioulsy the more confidense you will have, ergo you should get a slight stat or skill bonus for the more you have in a group. a stat/skill DEDUCTION for the more thieves you got in a party due to the fact that you can't sneak around with a lot of people. but in increase in pickpocket, lock picking, passive speech and stuff like that were groups come in handy. well i hope the people at larian read this, i would like a reply if possible. my e-mail address is please give me some feed back on whether or not you guys read this. i would really like to give some ideas for dd2. i have played a lot of multi player games so i think i can be of some value to suggestions. thanks again for listening. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />

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I'm a big fan of more classes and races myself. But I also know how much work goes into that <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> was very Diablo-like, where I like the Baldur's gate or Neverwinter Nights or Icewind Dale system better...

I've always been a huge fan of customisation, even with quests. Like the quest that relies on your class (Wizards get the plane-travelling thingie, Warriors get the Castle, Rogues must do something for the thieves guild, Bards...) or even your gender (You can get a fall-in-love-and-get-married quest in BG2)

I also get off more on good 2D-art then on 3D stuff. Besides, it keeps the specs lower.

And some more areas that are smaller perhaps. It's easier to get more action and less running that way.

I always loves games that had the option of getting your own shack or store. Perpahs you could get it at the beginning of the game, depending on what class you whose: Warriors start out in the castle of their guild, Wizards begin the game in their little store in a small wizard's community in another town. Then you could get a cut-scene of someone running in and telling you there's an invasion of so-and-so creatures, you go out and slay them, and then they ask you to investigate what made them do it... You could even have inherited your house from your long-lost father. When a stranger comes into town, telling you that he knew him, you could go out to find out what happened to him. Along the way you could find out more about your past and his, and there's a lot of room for sub-quests there.

Hmmz, I got carried away a bit here. But hey, I really liked <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> , and I'd be happy to contribute anything to the next game. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

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Welcome to the forum Toowni <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> Please enjoy your stay.

Thanks for all your suggestions everyone <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

I was thinking of synthesising items to get rare weapons at a new synthesis shop! I think that will be a good idea!

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What I would like to see more of is cinematic movies as was done in Planescape Torment.
Not only did they have the cutscenes when a major quest was completed (As when the Alley "Gives Birth") or when a new area is entered. But also playing as a Mage, those terrific spell cinematics. It made me restart as a mage a few times just to experience them again (My favourite was the meteor strike!)

Also what I would like to see is like in Diablo or BG, when you wear unique suits of armour ect. it will actually show on your character i.e if you wear red dragonscale armour it will show up red (with scales??)

I enjoy <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> immensely and congratulate everyone at Larian for giving RPG fans something to smile about -finally! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" />

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I would like to see a priest subset of skills, such as Bless, Turn Undead, the Divine skills, etc. Perhaps a set of skills by race, too--learning those skills would gain you allies. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -Rich Cook
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Hmmm... Race specific skills could be another good idea. That's about where my idea stops, unfortunately. Slow mind tongiht.

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Spells with decent effects...

All Maps should be accessable at the same time, if i'm in dark forest and want to check how much of the sewers i've explored i should be able to..

More information should be available on items in the game what effects they have, for example eating food etc..should get an info popup or something to describe the item and give its stats more then just its durability and damage, for example a Scimiter should cause massive damage in an over head strike and almost no damage swinging from side to side, so it should require higher strength to get higher damage. This way if you found a scimiter at lvl 3 you'd still be able to use it, you just wouldnt do any damage with it. And at lvl 15 you would do more damage with it then at lvl 10..need to remove str/agil requirements of weapons altogether. Add abit of story to the usage of certain high damage weapons into a skill which can be gained via a quest

potions should have a usage lvl so instead of drinking the entire potion you can drink half..bigger bottles would carry more.. barrels could be put to good use...we already have barrels of poison.. whats wrong with barrels of healing..

and the barrels definately need to have measurements applied.. a single bottle can drain an entire barrel of poison..

have other ideals...but this waiting for horizons download is getting frustrating..especially as i only have 3 days left on internet..

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All Maps should be accessable at the same time, if i'm in dark forest and want to check how much of the sewers i've explored i should be able to..


More information should be available on items in the game what effects they have, for example eating food etc..should get an info popup or something to describe the item and give its stats more then just its durability and damage, for example a Scimiter should cause massive damage in an over head strike and almost no damage swinging from side to side, so it should require higher strength to get higher damage. This way if you found a scimiter at lvl 3 you'd still be able to use it, you just wouldnt do any damage with it. And at lvl 15 you would do more damage with it then at lvl 10..need to remove str/agil requirements of weapons altogether. Add abit of story to the usage of certain high damage weapons into a skill which can be gained via a quest

Too much information is intimidating, though. And part of the fun is experimentation. In real life, you can't pick up a gun a immediately know the recoil, bullets left in clip, and serial number. You don't know the damage or weight either, but they can be easily estimated. With the combat moves for the Scimitar, that could be part of what Sword Expertise provides: smarter use of weapons. And the damage is modified related to your Strength and Expertise already.

potions should have a usage lvl so instead of drinking the entire potion you can drink half..bigger bottles would carry more.. barrels could be put to good use...we already have barrels of poison.. whats wrong with barrels of healing..

and the barrels definately need to have measurements applied.. a single bottle can drain an entire barrel of poison..

That would be good. It would save wasting larger potions for smaller healings. And it makes a lot of sense for a barrel to provide many potions.

You've got good ideas. Keep them coming!

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this treath has some very nice ideas indeed <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />
about the "extra" information displaced on the screen or extra window.
what bodders me the most was that i didn't knew how long a spell would last.
example; the freeze spell, how long would it contain the giant orc that i freezed.?
idea -> what if there could be a timer display on the top of the screen,or above th eenemie how long your spell last?

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Sorry, but that makes me cringe. That would get extremely messy and cluttered if every spell had a timer on it. And besides, it adds to the skill of the game trying to predict the enemies' movements.

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it may clutter if it's in words. why not the flower icon(petals changing colours) that's used in dungeon keeper, which is very easy to interpret?

but then, handefood's right. it should be a skill for players to hone themselves to fight certain enemies. trial & error & reload.

plus, spells may be rendered useless for certain enemies so timer's not relevant. in another case where the enemies have resistance to the spell casted which may reduce the effects, either damage or duration.

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I'm not sure if I saw it in the FAQ site or the manual, but they(LARIAN) mentioned putting up your own face? Well anyway, I hope more customization of character or being able to import your DD character into it.

p.s. I hope my computer's specs could work it just like the original DD, and riftrunner as well.div

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maybe in <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" />2 you could pick good or evil, thus changing the quests and the ending completely. instead of the divine one you would be the hellraiser or something of that sort. instead of working with that wizard guy, i cant beleive i forget his name, you know, he saves your [nocando] all the time, you could work with the lord chaos. you would slay the elves and be freinds with, that would be cool.

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If you get to pick your race, perhaps good and evil and wars and treaties could become a lot more interesting.

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Hmm suggestions for DD2... some of these will probably be repeats since I don't feel like reading all the replies

1. Martial Arts/Hand to Hand (bare fist or hand weapons)
2. Dual-wield
3. Katanas... Asian weaponry...
4. The option of using your DD1 character like going from Baldur's Gate 1 to
Baldur's Gate 2
5. Selectable character features... hair color, skin color, etc...
6. Multiple races.
7. Mounts... horses... drakes...
8. As there has been said Hirelings... and if there's mulitplayer... options for player made guilds... maybe a building editor....
9. Craft skills... weapon smithing, armorsmithing, fishing, hunting, trapping, brewing, tailoring, enchanting...
10. Seafaring. Deep Underground Adventure. Cities in the Sky...
11. Familiars.
12. Renaming of equipment.

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