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The thing is how does a trainer unlock those skills for you?

Assuming you have a reached the appropriate go to a trainer and he say i can teach you a new skill.

If you agree you have an option of

A) Accepting a quest(set in the battlefileds arena..or an alternate universe..using portals to enter). These quests will test your ability by using existing skills(not the one you want). By completing this the trainer unlocks the skill for you.

Advantages: You get Expereince by killing any monsters plus expereince of solving quest.
Disadvantages: Might take a while to complete the quest.

B) Paying the trainer to unlock skills for you.

Advantages: You get the skill instantanouesly.No need to wait.
Disavdantages: Your purse is lightened plus you will not get any expereince/items by this method.

C) By pratciing the skill.
Here the trainer allows you access of a skill you want. Then you have to practice it or if thats not possible to read about it and then the trainer will test you knowlegde.

E.g you want to learn say fireball...the trainer then you temporailry gain the fireball skill...but you must practise it on a dummy.
So you cast the here is the catch. The spell may or may not work.
f it does you get a message or your character says "ive done it".
If not your character says" hmm it doesnt work".
To gain the skill you must sucessfully cast say 25 fireballs. Naturally the higher intelligence you have the more likely you will be sucessful.
Or if say you want to learn "hide in shadows " this may be difficlt to test in practice so the trainer gives you a book and you have to read and learn how the spell works.
The trainer will then test you. If you get the answers correct you get the skill and a reward a good item.

Advantages: A good item of your choice..e.g you may feel your boots are horrible so you select boots from the reward list.
Disadvatges: Can be boring and you need to be patient. May take time to complete as well.

Well what do you think?

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it looks great. so i wanna try the third method, and after five hours of casting fireballs, i finally have 25 succesive castings but oops i hit the trainer <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

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A) Accepting a quest(set in the battlefileds arena..or an alternate universe..using portals to enter). These quests will test your ability by using existing skills(not the one you want). By completing this the trainer unlocks the skill for you.

This way is allso more realistic, compared to just paying a trainer and you suddenlly have the skill.


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
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-Tested well so it's released with little to no bugs, glitches, or crashing of any kind. After it's been rigorously tested, getting more testers that have never played the game will probably uncover more unforseen bugs.

-few classes and/or races that determine your alignment: Paladin good, Vampire race evil, Priest good, although an evil Satanic priest would be something

-more possible dialogue options with respect to race/alignment/class/sex (I said sex hee hee)

-more dialogue options in general

-possible to beat the game by slaughtering everything in sight as a chaotic neutral looney

-possibility to become so Divine that you can kill the gods themselves!

-release the game when it's done, not rush for a targeted release date

-multiple endings Chrono Trigger anybody?

-include a supersecretmessedupwhackytrippedoutending as an easter egg.

-include a class called the drunkard

Last edited by Demonia; 09/01/06 06:57 AM.

Confucius say: Lady who binge drink like fish, f#ck like dumb bunny.
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-include a supersecretmessedupwhackytrippedoutending as an easter egg.

only 1?


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Joined: Jan 2006
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How about after levelling up one or two levels, your character finally KNOWS what's going to happen when she pulls a lvl35, "I don't know exactly what that did.." ...... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />
It's opened the bloody door, woman!! Just like every other lever you've pulled for the last 51 days!!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

"If I love you, what business is it of yours?" —Goethe—
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The lack of the character's pattern recognition skills with levers is pretty bad. What's worse is repeatedly mixing stacks of potions and having them express amazement after each mixing produces a successful result.

You can turn comments off in the sound options, so I assume you would also be able to in DD2 if they use a similar comment system. An automatic/adaptive setting like you suggest would be nice. They could also have comments start being made much less often once you've triggered that type a certain number of times, and vary the comments ('I wonder what that did' becomes 'well, that should have opened a lock nearby' or 'whoever designed this place sure has a thing for levers').

Welcome to the forum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

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I don't know, I admit that the lever comments are repetitive, but in the end it became 'one of those Divine Divinity things'. Not that Divine Divinity II should copy that system, but I guess that what I want to say is that this didn't bother me. It became enjoyable.

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Ubereil: Yeah but some people like(not me) just paying someone to get the skill.

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As for me,I would like to see : <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
1- Money doing much more than buying items : like you can invest some money by merchants; you can bet ;and you can own houses .
2- Skill point has another ways to be earned .
3- Powerful weapons which can be carried by one hand .
4- Allies : hired, saved by me or game plot .
5- Training areas : in order to improve your experience (of course each training has its costs ).
6- Wanted Posts .
7- Negotiation with merchants .
8- Horses .
9- Summoning powerful creaturs .
How about a multiplayer option .I think it is a wonderful thing to see two players helping each other and solving quests together .

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As for me,I would like to see <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
1- Money doing much more than buying items : like you can invest some money by merchants; you can bet ;and you can own houses .

You can actually buy a house in Divine Divinity.

2- Skill point has another ways to be earned .

A few of them can, but ok.

3- Powerful weapons which can be carried by one hand .

I see you haven't discovered The Nobleman's Sword or The Sword of the Gods yet <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

4- Allies : hired, saved by me or game plot .

Could be fun, worth exploring, though I always enjoy the lone warrior style.

5- Training areas : in order to improve your experience (of course each training has its costs ).

In Divine Divinity there's the trainer in the Warrior's Guild, but yes, some more might be nice. Also, that's about skills, not XP. Same goes for the trainers in Beyond Divinity.

6- Wanted Posts .

What do you mean?

7- Negotiation with merchants .

Let's haggle! Sure.

8- Horses .

Yes, that would be great! Everyone's wish I guess.

9- Summoning powerful creaturs .

In Divine Divinity you have the 'Summon Demonic Aide Skill'. And 'Resurrection' can result in a Dragon Rider pet.

How about a multiplayer option .I think it is a wonderful thing to see two players helping each other and solving quests together .

Not in my wish list, but lots of people would like it. I don't think there will be multiplayer in the next game though.

Well, some of your ideas are already in the game in their own way, just not very prominent (except for the one handed swords <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />). Keep 'em coming though, there's always room for fresh ideas!

Welcome to the forum <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

I am in blood
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I think mounts will be there...

Anyway, you WILL be able to transform into a dragon and fly around, thats one of the few things thats told by larian...

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Oh really? I'd like to see a link to where it says that.

I am in blood
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Not a truly, truly 100% link but i think its 99% trustable

its draghs site, he was at some game convention where they said that <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

believe me?

Joined: Oct 2003
Joined: Oct 2003
Yeah ok, now I believe!
Now I'm a believer!

I am in blood
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Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
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Yeah ok, now I believe!
Now I'm a believer!

Yep I also believe it.
Drag and some other students from his school met Swen Vincke a few months ago.
And i am really confident about what Drag says. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />


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1.You thinking of a stock exchange system?
Right now you can borrow from Sir Patrick but i guess its not the same.

6. Sounds interesting..but what exactly do you mean?
You get a bad rep in one town and some strong people over there try to fight with you?

Joined: Feb 2004
Joined: Feb 2004
Hhmmm . . . I always go too far with these suggestion posts:

1. Spell Stats Customization: I loved how Beyond Divinity let me tweak spells to work how I liked, and that I could even combine different properties (Air and Water for example). I'd like to see that improved on.

2. Spell Graphics Customization: I'd like to be able to choose the "color" of a spell. If a cast a fire ball it all looks the same yes? I would be happy with a simple ability to back my fireball blue, gree, orange, red, purple . . . so I could color coordinate my spells with my outfit (simple to imagine, not simple to do for programmers, I think).

3. Character Graphics Customization: I like being able to color coordinate everything, I'm very visual. I'd like to be able to pick primary and secondary colors on any piece of equipment (Clothes, Armor, Weapons) so that I could say have a purple tunic with black trim instead of the standard (random example) blue tunic with white trim.

4. Player Character Customization: I also liek to be able to make the character I want to play. I often end up playign a female avatar in most games because most developers make their male characters too manly, all beefy no grace or beauty in them. Only rough. So I can't play their male characters and have to playa female instead. Allows graphical options to make males as ugly or beautiful (or anything in between) as possible. To be able to choose whether a character (male or female) is muscled or lanky or old or young or lithe and graceful looking as I liked would add much to feeling I was playing a character "I" would actually want to play. I do not want to play the beefy looking male characters! BD let me choose Muscled, Skinny, Heavy, Normal, male, female, kid, hair color, hair style . . . at least (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!!!). I hope to see this improved upon greatly.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> For example these options:




Old old old
Middle Aged

Body Types:

BIG muscles
Ballet Dancer

Skin Tones:

Pale pale pale
Dark dark dark

Hair Colors:

Many Shades of Red
Many Shades of Orange
Many Shades of Blonde
Many Shades of Brunette
Many Shades of Raven
Many Shades of Gray

And then some fake/dyed/or unrealistic looking hair colors:

Red/Orange/Blonde/Brunette/Raven hair color "Frosted" bleach blonde.
Haircolor that's been Highlighted with another hair color (real or fake colors).

Hair Styles:

Several long flowing hairstyles
Several long and tied back hairstyles
Several long and styled hairstyles
Several shoulder length hairstyles
Several shoulder length and tied back hairstyles
Several shoulder length and styled hairstyles
Several short hairstyles
Several short and styled hairstyles
Several shaved hairstyles
Several shaved in a pattern hairstyles
Bald (Male and Female)
Bald with tatoos

(By "styled" I am meaning beads in the hair, gel like effects to put it in unnatural positions, and pins/sticks/bones/jewels/flowers/etc . . . as decorations and other).

Face Texture:

Old old old Face Textures
Old Face Textures
Middle Aged Face Textures
Young Face Textures
Battlehardened Face Textures
Beautiful Face Textures
Tatood Face Textures
Scarred Face Textures
Jeweled Face Textures (Select color and pattern of the jewel/jewels)

Body Texture:

Old old old Body Textures
Old Body Textures
Middle Aged Body Textures
Young Body Textures
Battlehardened Body Textures
Smooth Body Textures
Hairy Body Textures
Flat Tone Body Textures (Little-to-no muscle definition)
Tatood Body Textures
Scarred Body Textures
Jeweled BodyTextures (Select color and pattern of the jewel or jewels)

Other fun things:

Nails! Long, short, painted, well groomed, average, or ratty looking nails!
Make-up and face paint options for males and females!
Piercings for the ears, eyebrows, lips, noses, and other palces for males and females!
Innies and outies (Belly buttons ! ^_^ ! *tickles tummies*)!
Wear leg armor/pants/dresses/skirts/kilts/wraps at the waist - or - at the modern waist!
Cut off chest armor and clothing tops for males and females so we can see the belly button piercings and tummy tatoos!

Animations (Silly):

Several Animation sets for males and females that are like:

Clumsy Male/Female Animation Set (Trips a lot while walking - doesn't effect gameplay, just an animation)
Hardy (Moves like is well trained and in good health)
Shady Character! (moves around like they're up to something but nobody notices! They hand their hands int heir pockets and slump! Darn kids!)
Paladin! (Moves around liek the arogant egotistical avatar of truth and justice that they are with their nose up in the air going "HMPH!" . . . maybe retitle this one "Rich Snob" o.O ? )
Graceful (Moves fluid like water . . . oooh pretty!)
Nonchalant (Animated like they don't care about nothin! O.o)
Bleeding Heart (Randomly stops to hug trees as you pass them by)


Fin. ^-^

Joined: May 2004
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old hand
Joined: May 2004
Hhmmm . . . I always go too far with these suggestion posts:

1. Spell Stats Customization: I loved how Beyond Divinity let me tweak spells to work how I liked, and that I could even combine different properties (Air and Water for example). I'd like to see that improved on.

Me too <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> That was one of the things i pretty much liked about BD over DD

2. Spell Graphics Customization: I'd like to be able to choose the "color" of a spell. If a cast a fire ball it all looks the same yes? I would be happy with a simple ability to back my fireball blue, gree, orange, red, purple . . . so I could color coordinate my spells with my outfit (simple to imagine, not simple to do for programmers, I think).

I think with a fireball you'll have to do the colors eith how hot the flame is. For example, a stronger fireball could be blue (maybe at the start and if you shoot it from far away just red or somthing later). I dont know the exact properties of wich color flames are wich color. Or you could maybe buy some dust, or find/harvest wich makes firballs specific colors when you shoot em (could have the dust in a hand while shooting) . I actually think this wont be pretty much extra work for programmers. Just set different pallettes at the models


3. Character Graphics Customization: I like being able to color coordinate everything, I'm very visual. I'd like to be able to pick primary and secondary colors on any piece of equipment (Clothes, Armor, Weapons) so that I could say have a purple tunic with black trim instead of the standard (random example) blue tunic with white trim.

Trimmed stuff would be really nice too yeh, maybe at some shops you can let custom armor/robes be made. But by looting you will just need good luck to gain specific colors and trims. Dont make it all too simple to get that specific look you want.


4. Player Character Customization: I also liek to be able to make the character I want to play. I often end up playign a female avatar in most games because most developers make their male characters too manly, all beefy no grace or beauty in them. Only rough. So I can't play their male characters and have to playa female instead. Allows graphical options to make males as ugly or beautiful (or anything in between) as possible. To be able to choose whether a character (male or female) is muscled or lanky or old or young or lithe and graceful looking as I liked would add much to feeling I was playing a character "I" would actually want to play. I do not want to play the beefy looking male characters! BD let me choose Muscled, Skinny, Heavy, Normal, male, female, kid, hair color, hair style . . . at least (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!!!). I hope to see this improved upon greatly.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> For example these options:


The walks and stuff are a bit extreme but i like the rest, however, this could be pretty usefull when damage is done tocertain areas of the body. One thing thats really important for me is barbers, hair dyers and that kind of stuff. I dont wanna play the exact same character the whole game! Also maybe you can get brown if you are a lot outside, and white if you are a lot inside. Muscular if you fight a lot (arms+ torso), walk/run alot (legs), i think this part is a bit much work and stuff. Fatter if you eat a lot and thinner if you eat less. On some of these points fable did a pretty good job. Also at the scars etc.

As a last thing i would like to notice. Something that sucked so hard about oblivion i cant understand the programmers didnt looked at that. Headshots!!! You hit some1 in the hand and you hit some1 in the head, same amount of damage! (how lame is that...), If we are talking about head shots, i would like some special sound (UT style) when you hit someone in the head. The walks Piscean talked about could be used when someone is hit in the leg or something. Also decacapating limbs (dunno if you write it like that) would be nice (at enemies then <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ). If you strike your blade fully at someones arm the arm flys off etc etc. Ok, that stuff will give the game a higher age rating but WTF, we want a good game! not things left out for a lower age rating (like done in many games. This is one of the things that make me really look forward to Dark Messiah of might and magic).

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> Hope Larian Used most of these ideas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Some great ideas there Piscean! I hope Larian will take a look at your post!

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