@ Ubereil
I ment the song but I liked the whole album equal. The first song I liked was Money for Nothing but when I listen the whole album I loved Brothers in Arms.

@ Dear Death,
Thnx for your mail address. Yes I have posted Burn before. It is one of my most fav. songs from Cure and I loved it the moment I saw the movie (The Crow). It is a magic song indeed. I am very happy you liked it too. Ah there is a place here in Athens called "Dark Sun". It is the one of the only two Gothic clubs in here and when Leo (the DJ) plays the "Burn" song I create total chaos in there. *Luc smiles with a diabolic smile*
Ah yes Type O negative... I have thought it too. But imagine what it would happen if I have posted "My girlfirend's girlfriend" in here...

*Luc is very happy talking for music and that DATD is back and dances with joy*

You can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything...