First impression wasn't that good really. Andrew Eldritch's dark, melodramatic singing didn't exactly help in letting you hear the lyrics. Listened through them while doing some reading just to get into the feeling though. They sounds better and better, espessially First last and allways, the least mainstream of the two albums (thought the all the song sounded more or less the same the first time I heard it). Black Planet, Dominion and (and this is not just to be kind. Believ me) Lucretia, my reflektion is acually quite good songs.
Andrew Eldritch lyrics seems quite dramatic (for good or bad, your choice), from what I've heard and read btw.


PS I read a review of Adore once, and one of the tips was: Don't say this to your girlfriend "You're the one that I adore, you will allways be my whore". I didn't intend to do it before he told me... DS

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce