<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />

Oh well, while talking about lullabies:

Lullaby by (by by by) Lamb

Always and forever
We'll be free
Always and forever
Be with me
We'll have love a'plenty
We'll have joys outnumbered
We'll share perfect moments
You and me

Always and forever
You will see
Always and forever
Just be with me
We'll have love a'plenty
We'll have joys outnumbered
We'll share perfect moments
You and me

You and me
You and me

Note that the song itself goes in A-minor (or possiblly A#-minor) so it's acually a kind of sad song. Despite the lyrics.


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce