I have also noticed that in the 1.10 that you can gamble for uni's. You could not do that in 1.09. You just keep opening and closing the gamble screen untill you see something you want. It changes with each screen. Most of the time you still get blues, but the yellows are there and sometimes pretty nice. I also notice that the same uni's keep popping up early on. My Assn in Europe has the exact same Hailstorm armor that she has on the West Coast Realm, and 1 of the same claws (don't remember the name). Same stats and everything... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" /> FYI,According to Blizzard, hackers are going after ladder characters, because they know they have the new 1.10 items. Crazy but true. Over 800 accounts have been permenently banned from B-Net. They are somehow hacking passwords and stealing CD keys. So watch your ladder characters. Especially in NM and Hell. Alot of high lvl char's have been completely killed off in this way.

Step away from your senses! Your senses blind you!
Gaming In The Divine