Then why is the book it's from (Volsungas saga) an Icelandic book?

I asked my father (who is 60 in January!) about him. He had never heard of him...

I read about the god system. Allmost none of the gods are mentioned... They didn't mention Valhall (where the god's live...). OK, they mention Alsgaard (I havn't had this kind of history for a while, so I'm a bit rusty...). They acually mention some of the gods (in links...). OK, they might mention the gods (never heard they lived in clans!). We're supposed to have dwarves and elves in our mythology... And it seems like Tolkien's midgaard is based on our mythologhy... Erm, it seems like your right, but since I don't know this, and I know the most important things about it, you can't seriously expect me to know this!


PS still doubt he's DIRECTLY related to Odin though... DS

PPS this guy seems to know what he's talking about, so I think I'll have to trust him... And btw, the names of the week is based on Odin's family's names. We started it, and you copied it, you copycats! DS

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce