Der zweite Patch ist da!
[ Quelle: RPGWatch ]

Und ich konnt´ ihn auch grad recht zügig runterladen (mal vom Abbruch bei 13 MB im ersten Versuch abgesehen. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> ) innerhalb von 10 Minuten, mit 105+ K (Deep Silver Server).[Linked Image]

Auszug aus dem Changelog (welches auch vorher separat einsehbar ist:


Build 1.08
- Several crash bugs fixed
- Performance increased
- Combat AI for several monsters improved/simplified (e.g. boar)
- Lots of AI Fixes ( Murderer Reaction from party member fixed, AI comments improved)
- Sleeping NPC's AI reactions improved
- Camera Control: Inverting the X-axis is now saved
- Lensflare/Sun doesn't shine through mountains and buildings anymore
- Rhobar and Zuben are dead after defeating them
- Revolution mechanics improved
- Lester does now talk even when not sitting at the campfire
- Epilogue fixed
- "No mission success after 2 times "not enough gold" fixed


Build 1.08
- Vak and Gonzales are now still there after a revolution
- There are now more weapons at traders and in chests
- Annoying NPCs from Faring arena removed
- Story and Missions in Al shedim improved. (Lester,Saturas,Wutras,etc...)
- Snorre's ancestor stone fixed
- All problems of Hogar and the southern Orcs fixed
- Ronar Trading fixed
- Less monsters/Orcs in Nordmar
- Vibald is now carrying explosive arrows
- Bogir dialog fixed
- Osmund dialog fixed


Build 1.08
- Crossbow handling improved "

Ragon, der Magier