Gothic 3

Piranha Bytes' Gothic 3 turned out to be one of those games that you either hate or love, which is usually determined by whether or not you computer can run the game in its full glory. Despite the strong focus on combat, the game has a lot to offer: a truly "living & breathing" world, fantastic atmosphere, non-linear design, choices, and several sides in a conflict to join. These choices alone make it a much better RPG than NWN2. If you missed this gem and would like to know more, here is a link to our review.

The media’s reaction to Gothic 3 highlighted the culture of double standards that over the years turned the mainstream reviews into either paid commercials or some retarded ranting showing failures to understand even the most basic concepts or to progress without someone’s holding your hand and telling you where to go. Gothic 3 is far from being a perfect game, but when a reviewer is thoroughly puzzled why the orcs don’t attack him on sight, blaming it on poor design and being unable to understand that the orcs are a joinable faction, that it’s not a “humans=good, orcs=bad” kind of game, then something is seriously wrong. We’ve taken a look at GameSpy’s criteria used to review Oblivion and Gothic 3. The same reviewer noted bugs in both game, but while he generously overlooked poor dialogues, generic storyline, personality-lacking main character, and lousy combat in Oblivion, he attacked the very same flaws (although one may argue that G3’s storyline wasn’t generic and that the dialogues’ multiple choices had more personality than Oblivion’s one-liners) with religious fervour, convincing most people that GameSpy’s opinion simply aint worth [nocando].

Quelle : http://www.rpgcodex.com/content.php?id=139

Besonders ironisch finde ich diesen Satz :

Gothic 3 is far from being a perfect game, but when a reviewer is thoroughly puzzled why the orcs don’t attack him on sight, blaming it on poor design and being unable to understand that the orcs are a joinable faction, that it’s not a “humans=good, orcs=bad” kind of game, then something is seriously wrong.

Ich würde darauf antworten : "Then something is wrong with the reviewer !" Was der Schreiber des zitierten Artikels im Darauffolgenden ja im Grunde auch bestätigt. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch