Interesting link, Cleglaw. I pulled in a webpage with this text:

"Meet more than 100 of the best minds working to keep myth alive, including psychologists James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and Jean Shinoda Bolen, philosopher Sam Keen, poets Robert Bly, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Coleman Barks, novelists Joyce Carol Oates, Charles de Lint, Jane Yolen, and Terri Windling, artists Charles Vess and Alan Lee, scholars Alan Dundes and Elaine Pagels, and writers Marina Warner, Phil Cousineau, and John and Caitl�n Matthews. Major new guests from film, television, literature, and myth will be announced soon, so please check back often."

which translated to Redneck:

"Meet mo'e than 100 of th' bess minds wawkin' t'keep mahth alive, includin' psychologists James Hillman, Marion Woodman, an' Jean Shinoda Bolen, philosopher Zephaniah Keen, poets Billy Bob Bly, Naomi Shihab Nye, an' Coleman Barks, novelists Joyce Carol Oates, Charles de Lint, Mary Jane Yolen, an' Terri Windlin', artists Charles Vess an' Alan Lee, scholars Alan Dundes an' Elaine Pagels, an' writers Marina Warner, Phil Cousineau, an' John-Boy an' Caitl�n Matthews. Majo' noo guests fum film, tellyvishun, literature, an' mahth will be announced soon, so please check back offen."

and Hacker:

e3t mroe thna 100 oF tHe best minds work1nmg To keep mtyh al1v3, including psychjollogistsd jamez hillm4n, marIoN woodman, and jean shinoda bolen, philosophEre sm keen, poetz robert bly ,naom1 shihabg nye, and col3man barks, |\|0velists joyce caarol oates, charlez de Lint, ja|\|3 Yolen, and terrI wnifdlniG, art1stz charles vess ajnd alan lee, scholarz 4l4n Dundes sand weLaine pagels, and writars m4rina wsrnar, phil coUsineau, and john and ca1tl�|\| matth3wZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ majOr new guetss from film, tewlevision, litaature,and ymth wil7 be announcde sOon, so plz che0Xr basXOr oftne."