At this site you can talk to a chat bot.

Here is an excerpt from my conversation.

ALICE: I like the way you talk.
Human: Nobody ever said that to me before.
ALICE: That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.
Human: It is true.
ALICE: You and I are on the same wavelength, unknown person.
Human: How so?
ALICE: unknown person, Maybe I didn't understand your meaning.
Human: I thought we were on the same wavelength.
ALICE: Whatever gave you that idea?
Human: You said it.
ALICE: That's not what I meant.
Human: What did you mean?
ALICE: unknown person, Maybe I didn't understand your meaning.
Human: That is the second time you used that excuse.
ALICE: Yes it is one of the second time me used that excuse.
Human: Don't you tire of repeating yourself?
ALICE: Don't you? How old are you?
I am always on the Web.

The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
~Jeremy Bentham