Wow people complaining after not only a developer takes responsibility for the bugs and keeps in contact with the people that bought the game, but does their best to fix them. I've seen alot of games released full of bugs and no patch was released for a few months and not a word from the developer. Stop whining.

Another thing a lot of people will cry and whine that a release date is pushed back so than when its released faster but full of bugs they cry and whine more saying 'RUSHED OUT OF DOOR WANTED MY MONEY GOT IT THEYRE HAPPY THEY DONT CARE GAME PLAYS LIKE CRAP BUYER BEWARE!!!111'

Another thing people don't understand is that some problems are technically impossible to fix immediately and take alot of recoding to make sure this fix doesnt break that ect. These constant patches showthat Larian is trying to fix the game ASAP so people can play it without making them wait for a few months.

Larian is doing their best, chill out.

Well, let's see, I see a whole bunch of posts, not complaining, but trying to better understand the limitations of the patch. Are you complaining about those?

Another, as well as some not here, complain about downloading patch after patch and the time this takes on a dial up modem. Not exactly utterly unreasonable. I am sure Larian regrets putting up patches that really don't do what they are supposed to do.

Another explains the patch doesn't solve their problem. Surely feedback worth having.

I smell serious fanboy/fangirl tendencies in this post.
