well the bottom line is that for all your moaning about it, the old games may still be irretrievable. so you may have to start a new one.

sorry, i was tired and cranky this morning and became annoyed with all the pointless bitching.

anyway, i just ran across something even more annoying, because not only did the pyramid disappear when i stumbled across it in the small mushroom forest, after patch 1.42, BUT, my summoning doll doesn't work anymore. it just crashes the game. So if i'd like to play it through it seems for the moment, while they investigate this, I'm forced to restart. oh well. no big deal. 2nd time through takes less time because you already know where everything is and having had some experience, it becomes easier, not to mention, you distribute your skill points more intelligently, knowing what to expect.

Now, i reported these things, but I can either waste time and energy ranting about it endlessly, or i can deal with it, like a mature adult, and start over, to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not the patch fixed these old issues, and see if the (a) the pyramid will stay, (b) whether the summoning doll will work {which is the first thing that i'll find out given the order of things}. THIS seems to me to be a better use of my time and energy after reporting the bugs, rather than bitching about it pointlessly, threatening to take it back, badmouthing them as if they were thieves, etc. I'm sure they hear it enough. Furthermore, the timely fashion they released the patches is rather impressive, considering i've experienced games from similar smaller game companies that have been broken by patches released as well, and they took weeks or months to release a fix, leaving me in limbo.

now almost all software is in need of patching. i have yet to run across one that doesn't, for an upgrade or to fix a problem that was missed in QA. Further, please take into consideration Microsoft, a multibillion dollar empire who beta tests their stuff on the public. Look man, if they can't get it together when their software has problems (lest we not forget initial builds of Windows ME, XP, and several other titles), how do you expect a small company whose product line is restricted to entertainment to be able to successfully afford the prohibitive costs of manhours of QA? And then coordinating that with the developers. I'm sure they try darn hard and have caught several issues that were worse than this. Remember we aren't in their offices. We don't know what they go through to bring these things to us. BUt I can tell you this. Writing code is not easy.

You try putting yourself in their shoes. All I was saying is cut them some slack, and rather than taking such a negative bent, how about looking at it from a different angle. Be glad they fixed the problem so quickly, and that they are willing to do so. Some companies just let you hang in the wind. Especially if you cannot pay them for support. Like Microsoft for example. if you bought your OS 2nd hand, or the warranty period has expired, have fun getting technical support. And if it was pre-installed on an HP, well, don't bother calling Microsoft, you'll be wasting your time.


Enjoy hehe


Now who's the chump? .:heh:. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Here, have a beer.