It's too bad that with all these people who have all the facts down pat, on opposite sides, the rest of us have to make due with humble opinions. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

Especially when our own opinions are built on the exact same thing theirs are = experience. Doesn't mae sense how they can start an argument/flame war over opinions.

As for party vs. non-party, anyone remember an old DOS Forgotten Realms game called Dungeon Hack? One of the best random game generators ever, IMHO, and was single-player, single-character, dungeon-crawling shinyness.

How 'bout Hillsfar? Another game from the days when multiplayer barely existed apart from installing another mouse and keyboard and having a friend sit next to you.

Multiplayer = overrated
Party Play = overrated
old-school DOS roots = ownage

Al of the above = IMHO