I am pretty far in the game so I am already thinking to restart the game when I finish. I made a background for my new character. Here it is. Please tell me if you think it's unbalanced:


You were born in a noble family. As a young man, you served in India as an officer, fighting along with Her Majesty's glorious army. After the war, you stayed in those tropical climes as a big game hunter. You have developed an excellent aim (Firearms +5), a remarquable sight (+1 PE) and a keen sense of danger (Spot Trap +4). Because of your heritage, however, you look down on peasantry, which results in a charisma penalty (-2 CH). Several incidents have showed your selfish nature and stained your reputation (reputation - 10). Your money is spent during your many travels but you start with a pistol and some ammunition.

Note that +4 is what you get when you spend one point in the skill (it's the Apprentice Level).