Exactly. So far, abstract and even misleading communication has been the biggest issue. I don't think the outcry around cut content would have been nearly as big as it has been if they would have kept comms straight and simple. As you've so very excellently said, "the ending she deserves" bit felt like a direct ""jab"" (using heavy-duty quotes here, because I don't want this to imply that it was malicious in any way, but it was obviously targeted) at the very raison d'etre of this entire now 32-page thread (and other threads and Discord servers, and I'm sure many other environments), and what has been delivered wasn't significantly different than what had already caused many of us to be upset, if not stop playing the game entirely...

I honestly think that if they'd just been upfront about this and told us plainly "hey, we're nearly done with it, it isn't finished just yet, but we want to put what's done out there for you to play and we'll keep adding things in as we complete them," it wouldn't have been taken so badly by the community. Sure, dissenters will always exist either way, and so will those who will never be satisfied regardless of what's delivered, but I think everyone understood that this project is a MASSIVE beast, both narratively and technically, and most would be more than willing to still offer support to Larian, who, despite some ill-advised actions, have shown that they aren't solely about the money, like most game developing companies are nowadays.

I mean, the Early Access sold like hotcakes, the Collector's Edition was sold out months before the game even came out, people would like nothing more than to support a company that's in it for the passion. And I truly think they'd set an even greater example if they were the first to be fully upfront about what's what, unlike the flood of lies and honeyed words most other companies spew constantly...

Last edited by Arkaelus; 06/09/23 06:16 PM.

Justice for Karlach